Thread index
Last updated: Sat Jan 06 15:25:03 2024
8801 messages

  • [Swprograms] My Suggestion to the BBC, John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] OT -- quick question please, What Dubhghall Does
  • [Swprograms] BBC reception W NAm, Alan Johnson
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-055; WOR 1310, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] Unintended BBC Comedy, John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-056; WOR 1310; Nets to You, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] DW Drops WRN/NA, John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] Fwd: [uk-radio-listeners] BBC: A future without the licence fee, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-057; WOR 1310; COM 06-03, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-058; WOR 1310; COM 06-03, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] O'Reilly on Advertising, jfiglio1
  • [Swprograms] Fw: [uk-radio-listeners] BBCWS programme on its Central European language services, Paul David
  • [Swprograms] Clash on 5765?, William Martin
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-059; WOR Schedule; 1311, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] OT: Where Are All My Listeners Going?, jfiglio1
  • [Swprograms] OT: The Incredible Spreading Audience--Pt.2, jfiglio1
  • [Swprograms] DRM News, jfiglio1
  • [Swprograms] "Concern at BBCWS [language] cutbacks" -- article, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] OT Chinese Radio in New York City, David Goren
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 6-060; WOR 1311, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] Strangeness at WBCQ Friday Night, William Martin
  • [Swprograms] Fwd: [uk-radio-listeners] Alpha Bravo Yankee Zulu, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] Even RA doesn`t know what`s on it, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] Podcasting in public radio -- still much hype, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] National Post (Canada) columnist on satellite radio, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] Private Eye on BBCWS cuts, Mike Barraclough

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