Re: [Swprograms] My Suggestion to the BBC
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Re: [Swprograms] My Suggestion to the BBC

I agree John, they closed the door on this one. The problem seems to  
be if you present yourself as a radio enthusiast in any way, the  
shortwave broadcasters tend to dismiss you as a nut, or at the least,  
not a typical listener.

That said, is there any hope of floating the idea of a world covering  
safety net of analog shortwave broadcasts in a unified way?  I think  
that there could be a campaign mounted by manufacturers like Eton,  
groups like the NASB, and NASWA, which undertook a valiant, and very  
respectable effort to opposed the intial BBC cuts.

Also, I've wondered aloud in the past...could there be some effort  
like a radio Peace Corp to support small domestic shortwave  
broadcasters, particularly in the tropical bands by helping them  
technically, and financially to stay on the air. I fear, that the  
trend away from shortwave by the big broadcasters will ultimately  
leave poor rural populations in Africa, and South America severely  

I realise that the tropical bands are emptying out in many cases  
because of better availability of FM, and population decrease in some  
rural areas, but it seems clear that there are many cases where a  
station is still needed by it's community but goes off the air  
because of defunct and aging equipment. Could an effort be mounted by  
shortwave listeners' with an amount of energy and intensity similar  
to that which goes into ham dxpeditions raising thousands of dollars  
to travel to various distant rocks in order to provide amateurs with  
an exotic DX target?

On Mar 30, 2006, at 10:15 PM, John Figliozzi wrote:

> As we say in New York, fuhgedaboudit!
> Their minds are unalterably closed on this one.
> John
> On Mar 30, 2006, at 10:01 PM, Sandy Finlayson wrote:
>> So is there a way to communicate this to the BBC brain trust so
>> that they might think about it?
>> Sandy
>> 	-----Original Message-----
>> 	From: swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Richard Cuff
>> 	Sent: Thu 3/30/2006 8:55 PM
>> 	To: Shortwave programming discussion
>> 	Cc:
>> 	Subject: Re: [Swprograms] My Suggestion to the BBC
>> 	I like it.
>> 	For the Americas:
>> 	I suggest adding 1000-1200 (A-season)  / 1100-1300 (B-season) to
>> this.
>> 	Rationale:
>> 	The succes RNW has had with the morning transmission to NA (launched
>> 	in July, 2001 if you part to fill the BBC void)  
>> indicates
>> 	there is a morning appetite for radio.
>> 	Provides "morning companion" listening at breakfast that's an
>> 	alternative to NPR.  Provides a healthy dose of business content
>> 	(Business Daily 1040, WBR 1120) along with Analysis at 1140 and
>> Sports
>> 	Roundup at 1150 .  Suitable for kitchen-based portables (we all have
>> 	them, right?).
>> 	USA- or Sackville-based transmitter time, theoretically, is cheaper
>> 	than Antigua / Montsinery / Bonaire time since you wouldn't be using
>> 	diesel-powered generators.
>> 	Impediment:
>> 	Does the BBCWS contract with VT permit them to negotiate with non-VT
>> 	transmitting entities?  One would think so...because Bonaire and
>> 	Montsinery are used, and WYFR was used.
>> 	Cost:  $350 / day  (7 hours @ $50 / hr) or $128 K/year.  Less than
>> 	0.02% of the BBCWS budget.
>> 	Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
>> 	On 3/30/06, John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> 	> Were I made emperor (nah, that's TOO scary) or director general of
>> 	> the BBC World Service for one day, this is what I would do.
>> 	>
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