Thread index
Last updated: Sat Jan 06 15:25:03 2024
8801 messages

  • [Swprograms] OT: Product Placement, William Martin
  • [Swprograms] Sirius update: Some Canadian offerings should be available in the USA beginning 12/1, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] Mary Lou Finlay retires, Ricky Leong
  • [Swprograms] Some Sirius Canada channels are now available in the USA, Richard Cuff
  • Re: [Swprograms] Some Sirius Canada channels are now available in theUSA, Sandy Finlayson
  • [Swprograms] new on Sirius USA website -- a link called "Northern Exposure" -- listing the 5 new channels, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] Sirius vs XM, Peter Bowen
  • [Swprograms] Satellite Radio Questions, William Martin
  • [Swprograms] The Sirius CBC R1 schedule...so far..., Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] 0200 is a good time to be listening to Sirius..., Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] OT?: CBC on Sirius, John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 5-206; WOR 1295; COM 05-10; Nets to You, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] WBCQ Monitoring Request, William Martin
  • [Swprograms] Globe & Mail: "The Radio War", Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] DW Increases Satellite Broadcasts, John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] Sirius and XM will activate grey market receivers for Canada use, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 5-207; WOR 1295, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] BBCWS previews, Mondays+, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] OT?: CBC's "The Lab", John Figliozzi
  • [Swprograms] Fwd: [ODXA] Australia / The National Interest, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 5-208; WOR 1295, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] ABC Radio National in 2006, jfiglio1
  • [Swprograms] Rare Praise Indeed, Peter Bowen
  • [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 5-209; WOR 1295/1296; DX Programs, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] Shortwvave vs. Internet vs. Satellite -- Globe & Mail shadows the discussion here, Richard Cuff
  • [Swprograms] BBCWS Programme Previews, Wednesdays+ in December, Glenn Hauser
  • [Swprograms] New Eton SW Porsche Radios, William Martin

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