[Swprograms] WBCQ Monitoring Request
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[Swprograms] WBCQ Monitoring Request

Hi, all!

This is primarily directed at the North American members of these lists.
I don't know how many of you regularly listen to Allan Weiner WorldWide
on WBCQ on 7415 kHz every UT Saturday at 0100, but if you did listen
to this latest one (last night here in the US), you heard me call in (as I
have done several times in the past). One of the things I was calling about
was that I had tuned in WBCQ earlier that day in the middle of the
day on 9330 kHz and noticed severe interference. It appears to me
that the interference was coming from splatter from WWRB on 9320 kHz.
Now, usually, the simple way to reduce such interference is to tune to
the sideband away from the interfering signal, if your radio allows this.
(I mainly use a Grundig 800 that provides this facility.) But the problem
in this specific case is that WBCQ is using Compatible LOWER SideBand
(CLSB) and so tuning to the upper sideband of 9330 away from 9320
gets you no signal.

I asked Allan if it was a simple matter to change 9330 from CLSB to CUSB
(go from Lower to Upper SideBand). He said that technically it was
easy but that he first had to get permission from the FCC to change the
modulation mode. (That really surprised me -- I never dreamed that the
FCC cared whether a broadcaster used full AM, CLSB, or CUSB, but it
seems that they do. Allan will have to call his consultant George Jacobs
and have the requisite paperwork approved by the FCC.) He was
particularly concerned that there was no other signals ABOVE 9330 kHz
that would interfere with him, or that he'd interfere with, if he switched
9330 from CLSB to CUSB.

So, before he begins this process, he asked for monitoring input. I
thought that it would help if I could involve more radio listeners
in various locations to assist in this. So I am asking that, if you have
the chance to listen in the middle of the North American day, try
tuning in WBCQ on 9330 kHz and then tune around from there.
Do you hear interference on 9330 and is it coming from 9320? Are
there any signals above 9330 that would suffer or cause interference
if it changed from CLSB to CUSB?

The WWRB 9320 transmission is scheduled from 1300-2300 UT daily.
WBCQ is on 9330 from varying start times; today I just tuned it in at
1700 UT but the online sked doesn't seem to show that start time
on Saturday; I think 1700 UT is a fairly likely start time most days.
So anytime after that, if you can listen to detect interference to
9330 and also any nearby signals that might argue against changing
9330 from CLSB to CUSB, send a note to Allan at wbcq@xxxxxxxx
and let him know.

It might be that there are night-time signals above 9330 that would
cause problems and that would mitigate against switching from
CLSB to CUSB on 9330 during the entire broadcast day. Maybe
WBCQ would have to put up with day-time interference in order to
avoid causing or getting night-time interference. I do not know if
it is feasible to change from one modulation to the other during
the day (either legally or technically). So that might render this
whole discussion moot. If you have input on that subject, be
sure to let Allan know.

Thanks for your help!

73, Will

PS - Yesterday's Friday-night airing of AWWW came in fine here in
St. Louis on 7415 at the start of the program, but had faded into
noise by 0130 UT before I got thru to them on the phone. Did
anyone out there hear my segment? If so, where were you? WM

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