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Voz de San Antonio, 5645.8 kHz |
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La Voz de San Antonio, Bambamarca, thanks to a tip from Robert
Wilkner via Mosquito Coast 212, this new frequency was also
confirmed in Tokyo.
I first observed it at 1147 on 13/03/96.
The station drifted between 5645.97 kHz and 5645.68 kHz.
On 10/04/96 ID was announced as:
"Desde Bambamarca .... Radio La Voz de San Antonio en 5645kc
banda de 60 metros onda corta."
Note: When I visited Bambamarca in January 1995, the electricity
has been supplied only in the local evening at 2300-0600.
So Radio La Voz de San Antonio operated only at 2300-0500,
not in the morning.
The station uses the secondhand transmitter of Onda Popular.
Its former nominal frequency is 6627.5 kHz and its nominal
power is 0.25kW (but modulated at 50%).
Studio/transmitter plant is located at: Jr. Alfonso Ugarte
732, Bambamarca, Provincia de Hualgayoc, Departamento de Cajamarca.
Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Relampago
DX, 1996 |