IRCA Index

Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:46 2019
111603 messages

  • Re: [IRCA] Radio Reloj 570, (continued)
  • [IRCA] Ultralight DXpeditions-- Suggestions for Success, D1028Gary
  • [IRCA] TP's for 03-18-08, vroomski
  • [IRCA] Religious Music on 1030 Khz, Marc DeLorenzo
  • Re: [IRCA] loggings 4930, 4845, Glenn Hauser
  • [IRCA] TP/DU Watch, Donald K. Kaskey
  • [IRCA] 570 Radio Reloj heard tonight, Steve Ratzlaff
  • [IRCA] RR 570 nice and loud in western NY, Scott Fybush
  • [IRCA] WUFL status and new logging, kj8o
  • [IRCA] Religious station on 1030, Marc DeLorenzo
  • [IRCA] TP's for 03-19-08, vroomski
  • [IRCA] CFWB-1490 Campbell River BC to move to 99.7 MHz FM, Deane McIntyre
  • Re: [IRCA] Religious station on 1030...........Thanks for ID!!!, Robert Ross
  • Re: [IRCA] WHOOOOPS -- It happened again -- to KFI, Patrick Martin

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