Re: [IRCA] Religious Music on 1030 Khz..ATT'n JOE KJ8O....Let us know!!!
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Re: [IRCA] Religious Music on 1030 Khz..ATT'n JOE KJ8O....Let us know!!!

At 02:26 PM 3/18/2008 -0600, you wrote:


If you hear them again tonight, please e-mail me right away. I'm about 20
miles from the WUFL transmitter and can confirm if they stay on at night.

73 de Joe

Joe.......Maybe you can just check the frequency tonight ...and see if WUFL is playing "Continuous Contemporary Christian Rock Music"????
I have heard this station for 2 nights in a row and all they have played is 
this Continuous Christian Rock...Never any talk between songs.....and never 
any ID given....even on the hour!!! I have heard them past Midnight as well.
I have heard WUFL many times during the DAYTIME from here...and they always 
have FAMILY LIFE RADIO Programs.....but maybe at night they play this 
Contemporary Christian Rock???
Not sure....but if you can check them tonight......especially later in the 
evening...that may solve this mystery. If you hear them playing music...but 
talking between songs, and ID'ing....that's not what I've been hearing.
Let us know Joe!!


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

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