Re: [IRCA] 570 Radio Reloj heard tonight
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Re: [IRCA] 570 Radio Reloj heard tonight

From my Spectrogram observations, R.Reloj time ticks are about 900-1100Hz, the TOM tone is 1kHz, and the RR Morse code is at 1.8kHz.
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA

At 11:10 PM 3/18/2008, you wrote:
All the talk of Radio Reloj on 570 prompted me to sit on the channel, especially after checking and finding 530 Cuba doing well this early evening. I don't know what format Reloj is running, but have just heard four different sets of the "RR" code, at 0302 and 0307 then again stronger at 0308 and same strength at 0309 utc. Rather high pitched, and at fast code speed.
NE Oregon
R75, longwires

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