IRCA Index

Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:53 2019
111603 messages

  • Re: [IRCA] [mwdx] Re: Oldies on 1060 (US) tonight, (continued)
  • [IRCA] TPs in Seattle on January 22, Bruce Portzer
  • [IRCA] TP 22 Jan, Victoria version, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] TP's for Thursday, January 23, 2014, Dennis Vroom
  • [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 1-23, d1028gary
  • [IRCA] ODDITY ON 1390 and WJDI, Ken, Scotland
  • Re: [IRCA] WGR 550 on day pattern - yes they were!, amdxer
  • [IRCA] Classic Hits/Oldies on 1300, Paul B. Walker, Jr.
  • [IRCA] New Retro Radio Dial Pacific Islands 1953, Radio Heritage Mail
  • [IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on January 23, Bruce Portzer
  • Re: [IRCA] [mwdx] Re: Oldies on 1060 (US) tonight, neilkaz
  • [IRCA] 1640 WKSH, Jim Balle
  • [IRCA] TP 23 Jan, Victoria version, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] get up and DX, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] WHFB 1060, amdxer
  • [IRCA] 2 new ones, Forrest Skaine
  • [IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on January 24, Bruce Portzer
  • [IRCA] Unid SS, Forrest Skaine
  • [IRCA] TP 24 Jan, Victoria version, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] TP's for Saturday, January 25, 2014, Dennis Vroom
  • [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP''s for 1-25, d1028gary
  • [IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on JAnuary 25, Bruce Portzer
  • [IRCA] W. Russell Withers, Jr., John
  • [IRCA] TP 25 Jan, Victoria version, Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] Oh those crazy Cubans!, Marc DeLorenzo
  • [IRCA] KTSA-550, texas4421
  • [IRCA] 1390 kHz - odd noise, Paul Crankshaw

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