IRCA Index

Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:56 2019
111603 messages

  • [IRCA] [CapeDX] East versus West battle Royale (aka, The Thunder down under...), R. Colin Newell
  • [IRCA] Convention goers - Phaser., R. Colin Newell
  • [IRCA] Alberta TPs for 4 September 2018, Nigel Pimblett
  • [IRCA] TP 4 Sep Victoria version., Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] 9-4-2018 evening logs,first South American am dx, Carl DeWhitt
  • [IRCA] TP's for 09/05/2018 Kalama, WA, Dennis Vroom via IRCA
  • [IRCA] Distance calculator,RCN 770 ,my most distant am dx here., Carl DeWhitt
  • [IRCA] AM loggings from 1100 UTC 26-Aug-2018, during G3 storm and sunrise enhancement, Mark Pettifor
  • [IRCA] Blowtorches of the Americas., R. Colin Newell
  • [IRCA] TP 5 Sep Victoria version., Nick Hall-Patch
  • [IRCA] Supercharging the XHDATA D-808 Portable-- Complete Article, Gary DeBock
  • [IRCA] AM BCB DX........... A Few Loggings, Robert Ross
  • [IRCA] CO TP Reports for 9/5 and 9/6, C B via IRCA
  • [IRCA] 837 (Cape Cod, MA, USA - recent logs), Mark Connelly via IRCA
  • [IRCA] Sept 6 - TP DX Victoria Style - 2 minute video, R. Colin Newell
  • [IRCA] 9-5-2018 evening log and 9-6-2018 afternoon logs, Carl DeWhitt
  • [IRCA] Mostly Mexican MW DX to Enid OK, August 31-September 6, 2018, Glenn Hauser via IRCA
  • [IRCA] Domestic MWDX to Enid OK, August 31-September 6, 2018, Glenn Hauser via IRCA
  • [IRCA] FM DX'ers-- 3TB External Drive On Sale, Les Rayburn
  • [IRCA] 7.5" Longwave Loopstick XHDATA D-808 Portable, Gary DeBock

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