[Swprograms] Email wordwrapping, was : OT: Beware XM Roady XT
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[Swprograms] Email wordwrapping, was : OT: Beware XM Roady XT

> Thanks for your observation.  A long time ago (1995) I was one of the editors of the Cumbre DX e-mail newsletter.  I always dreaded having to go into the submissions from DXers and delete all the carriage returns at the end of each line so when the input was copied into the newsletter with different line lengths I did not end up with short and long lines all in the same paragraph.  Then I received one message from a certain DXer that I did not have to do this with.  It made editing so much easier.  I figured out what was going on.  Now I think everyone should should disable word wrap on outgoing messages.  That way the receiving system will automatically adjust for the display font size and monitor pixel setting.  I know most do not and I presume that is because "word wrap on" is usually a default mode.  So I have deliberately unselected word wrap on outgoing messages to ease the life of anyone wishing to resend and reformat my missives for publication. I was unaware that so!

	Ah, the wonders of letting someone do the 
	typesetting and discover what the computer
	layouts of a hundred different people can do.

	I always use text editors (Xywrite by preference
	in Windows, DOS or OS/2) Nedit and Emacs in Linux
	and other situation, but VI here for this mailer
	which otherwise defaults to Pico.

	Text editors are better and show the real text
	string the person is making.  Wysiwig (What you
	see is what you get) may be comforting but they
	aren't the reality of the file text saved to the 
	In windows Notepad is the text editor, and there
	always exists one by default. 

	Mailers (Eudora, Outlook, mutt) have their own default
	Your's above allows at least 984 characters (185 words)
	in one line. Others don't.

	There are stream editors, sed, minitrue, troff etc. that 	
	can go through a text and take off the line ends  (CR/LF
	for PCs, LF for Unix).  But the main problem is with
	paragraph breaks for those that think or write in 
	such blocks.

	Ah, brings me back to the old days of Hollerith punch cards
	and 75 line lengths, then the Exidy Sorceror microcomputer
	and how it stored text strings backwards and no 
	'carriage' returns which would show up when called to 
	the screen.

	The HTML only text was a big problem for reading, but
	everyone copied your text back at you so we only had
	to wait a few hours before someone would tell us what
	Mr. Buch had said.

>  me e-mail programs do not have the ability to wrap automatically on received messages as at least an option.  Unless somebody complains, I will leave it set as is.
	?  I think that it does, automatically wrap text on recieved messages and I write a ver line line that is more than 100 characters wide yet you can see the entire line, wrapped.  Above I am dragging the platen over to the left with the carriage return lever, rather than let the computer wrap in this text VI editor.

		[obligatory shortwave reference]
	Is analogue radio better than digital radio or just
	a medium for carrying the same programming carried 
	over the ether in a different encoding of bits rather
	than analogue waves of magnetic fields approximating
	sound frequencies?

	Should we all learn to tripewrite on real typewriters
	and do layout by mechanical paste up ?

> At 10:31 AM 8/13/2007, you wrote:
> >                (Course your above text is one (1)
> >                long line and some mailers don't
> >                have word wrap on, but that's their
> >                problem.)
> >
> >                                                D. Say
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