Re: [Swprograms] OT: Beware XM Roady XT
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Re: [Swprograms] OT: Beware XM Roady XT

At 06:15 PM 8/12/2007, Richard Cuff wrote:
Gotta wonder if this "improvement" is the product of NPR's pressure on
Sirius and XM.  They grouse that satradio users tend to keep their
transmitters set to 88.1 mHz -- the default setting -- thus
interfering with reception of any 88.1 signals (such as we have here
in Allentown).

The new and improved receiver has athe ability to transmit on any FM band frequency.  The default frequency on the receiver as I opened the box was in the middle of the commercial FM band, I think 96.7 Mhz or someplace near that frequency.  This frequency happened to be occupied by a local broadcaster.  It took me a few minutes of looking at the manual to figure out what I had to do to put the reciever on an unoccupied channel.

The reason XM had to change the design, in my opinion, is reflected in a press release from FCC a few months ago.  They said many satellite receivers exceeded FCC radiated power limits.  I only wish the FCC had been as diligent in protecting SW broadast frequencies as NASWA pointed out in the comments to their proposal to allow BPL . The FCC is proving once again they are simply a tool of big business as they did by ignoring the comments of thousands who objected to BPL using HF frequencies allocated to SW broadcasting.

NPR is simply afraid that subscription satellite radio will rob them of paying listeners.  I believe they are correct in their fear.

Joe Buch
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