Re: [Swprograms] OT: Beware XM Roady XT
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Re: [Swprograms] OT: Beware XM Roady XT

Thanks for your observation.  A long time ago (1995) I was one of the editors of the Cumbre DX e-mail newsletter.  I always dreaded having to go into the submissions from DXers and delete all the carriage returns at the end of each line so when the input was copied into the newsletter with different line lengths I did not end up with short and long lines all in the same paragraph.  Then I received one message from a certain DXer that I did not have to do this with.  It made editing so much easier.  I figured out what was going on.  Now I think everyone should should disable word wrap on outgoing messages.  That way the receiving system will automatically adjust for the display font size and monitor pixel setting.  I know most do not and I presume that is because "word wrap on" is usually a default mode.  So I have deliberately unselected word wrap on outgoing messages to ease the life of anyone wishing to resend and reformat my missives for publication. I was unaware that some e-mail programs do not have the ability to wrap automatically on received messages as at least an option.  Unless somebody complains, I will leave it set as is.

At 10:31 AM 8/13/2007, you wrote:

>                (Course your above text is one (1)
>                long line and some mailers don't
>                have word wrap on, but that's their
>                problem.
>                                                D. Sa

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