[IRCA] Orcas Is. TPs: Nov 7th.... Fabulous!
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[IRCA] Orcas Is. TPs: Nov 7th.... Fabulous!

It was another wonderful late Fall Season morning. Where is everybody? Are Dennis and I the only ones experiencing this fabulousness??? Walter, is there a population explosion in Victoria? How about Guy and Gary? Bruce?? Kevin S? I know that The Nick is on the East Coast and even more silent than usual from there, but.... Steve R?? Hey, they are receiving Japan in Oklahoma on Ultralights.... and those signals pass right thru our antennas here in Puget Sound.... we are on the same Great Circle bearing.... How 'bout firing up those Perseus recording radios??? This stuff probably isn't going to last more than another couple of weeks.... and then the dreaded Winter Anomaly descends upon us.
An hour before LSR, the bottom half of the dial was full, except for 
6 channels, and (an hour before dawn) a lot of them were very loud, 
including some of the Chinese. Two of the low band Mayaks were in; 
KJNO dominated the Seattle religious flamer all morning (with some 
help from the Wellbrook). 909 early was Japan and late was CC, I 
think the Taiwan CNR6 outta Fujian Province. 1026, Beijing Public 
Radio was smokin' all morning  .
By dawn most things were down some, but strangely, a few odd Japanese 
had appeared. The best was a probable 765 YBS Synchros out of 
Yamanashi Prefecture. There were definite echos and a Japanese 
broadcast.... the only choice, really, is YBS in the mountains near 
Mt. Fuji... a 5 kw. and 2 repeaters at 100 watts!!!  There just 
wasn't enough to send a tentative report, but I'm sure gonna be watching 765.
Anyway, it was awfully nice and starts being DXable VERY early, for 
those of you who have to do morning commutes. No sign of AIR Nagpur-1566, YET!

John B.
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Rcvrs: WiNRADiO 313e, Eton e1, Slider E100
Antennas: Wellbrook Phased Array NW
Two 70' x 100' Conti Super Loops, West and Northwest _______________________________________________
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