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Re: [IRCA] What the future MW and LW bands MIGHT sound like (was: RIP DX Tests)

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Meanwhile, here's what the MW band sounds like now:


Steve Francis
Alcoa, Tennessee

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Dau <drummer1965us@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 6:02 pm
Subject: [IRCA] What the future MW and LW bands MIGHT sound like (was: RIP DX Tests)

Les, I often catch myself wondering about what the MW band would sound like here IF -- and this is just a hypothetical situation , mind you -- all of the AM stations in Canada and the U.S. were to permanently go silent.  Will Mexican stations stay on?  If THOSE go off, will AM stations in Central and South America stay on?  Will AM stations across the Atlantic and Pacific stay on?  The DX opportunities for us, should those scenarios occur, could be fascinating (it's been over 25 years since I've heard anything from Central America on MW, and I'd love to again).  Personally, I honestly, FIRMLY believe there will always be SOMETHING on the 530-1710 band to DX, whether domestic or foreign.  I just can't picture it drying up completely.

Longwave, on the other hand, presents a different scenario.  About 5 years ago, I began DXing non-directional beacons with much interest, and now those are slowly going away.  Pity, since those are obviously much easier to ID than AM stations!  For DXers on the North American coasts, a future without NDBs on longwave won't be as difficult to stomach, as they'll always have European broadcast stations to go after.  But for people like myself in the landlocked middle of the USA, a longwave band without the beacons will be much more of a challenge to DX.


Rick Dau

South Omaha, Nebraska  EN21af

MW: Sony ICF-2010, Grundig AN-200  (over 990 AM stations heard here)

LW: Sony ICF-2010, Quantum Q-Stick paired with Ratzlaff "cake dummy" loop


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