Re: [Swprograms] So what are people listening to nowadays? And how are you listening?
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Re: [Swprograms] So what are people listening to nowadays? And how are you listening?

The BBC told us several years ago to get broadband internet access if 
I wanted to continue to hear their programs.  After fighting progress 
for a long time, I finally succumbed to the pressure in July.  I now 
have ADSL from Verizon.  I got the slow version (700 + KBPS) because 
of the price, ($15 per month on a one year contract) as it allows me 
to watch NASA TV and listen to radio stations anywhere.  I also 
watched the English language version of Al Jazeera yesterday for the 
first time.  It was fun listening to the various streams of RTE 
(Ireland) yesterday too.  I am still leaping atound the world 
exploring what is out there to listen to so I have only been 
listening to programs I liked on SW but cannot hear anymore like 
Quirks and Quarks and Sunday Edition on CBC.

I haven't listened to shortwave since I got ADSL and I am not looking 
back.  Actually, I cannot hear shortwave anymore as the ADSL modem 
and the signal on the phone wire unshielded twisted pair radiates so 
much broadband noise that I cannot hear much anyway.  Shutting off 
the ADSL modem power reduces the noise level but there is still 
plenty of residual garbage left over from radiation by the wiring in the walls.

I also have subscribed to XM Satellite Radio so I can listen to BBC 
while traveling.  Wish they had WRN but maybe after the merger with 
Sirius is approved I will be able to do that too.

My next project is a C Crane transmitter to broadcast internet 
programming all over the house.  Then I expect I will be listening to 
a lot more long-form programming from afar.

The BBC started a global sea change.  I expect I will continue to 
listen this way until cheap WiMax becomes available (if I live that 
long).  Then I will switch to WiMax and drop ADSL and XM 
subscriptions.  In the meantime I do not consider the Wi-Fi 
stand-alone receivers to be an option.  I want to be free to choose 
any station out there and any streaming format which so far those 
radios do not accomodate.

I once shocked the audience at Kulpsville with a presentation 
entitled "Shortwave, Who Needs It?".  I think now I was more 
prophetic than I then realized.

Joe Buch

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