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Re: [Swprograms] CBC Hotsheet Latency
- Subject: Re: [Swprograms] CBC Hotsheet Latency
- From: Daniel Say <say@xxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 12:13:45 -0800
Oh, by the way, alt.tv.networks.cbc newsgroup gets the
Hotsheets too, but Hotsheets have 20 items about radio
and only one or two at the bottom end for TV.
There is no difference in the Hotsheet posting.
Many Internet service providers have no newsgroups, or
a truncated set. (It's several gigabbytes a day), so
you may have to revert to a script to ex- Dejanews
A link for date sorted newsgroup, may catch a few non-hotsheet
Linkname: alt.radio.networks.cbc hotsheet - Google Groups
[ long-line above ]
I'd recommend nxpress for Windows(XP,95,2000), knode or pan for Linux
and Pronews for OS/2 as readers
Linkname: TheFreeSite.com: free utilities and freeware programs for
Usenet newsgroups
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Linkname: NewsXpress
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