IRCA Index

Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:42 2019
111603 messages

  • Re: [IRCA] Is that a Cuban on 1100?, (continued)
  • Re: [IRCA] Is that a Cuban on 1100?, Milspec390
  • [IRCA] 26th edition of the NRC AM Radio Log - up for grabs, Peter Jernakoff
  • [IRCA] WIBQ 1220 Sarasota, Radiofldude
  • [IRCA] Convention Kudos, Doug
  • [IRCA] Asian // information coming, vroomski
  • [IRCA] Sorry for the E-mail posting, vroomski
  • [IRCA] Rich Wolf, Geralyn Hollerman
  • [IRCA] 648 Vladivostok VOA, vroomski
  • [IRCA] KWHN 1650 heard in Maryland, Bill Harms
  • [IRCA] TP reception 9/27, vroomski
  • Re: [IRCA] KHRO-1650 Question, J.D. Stephens
  • [IRCA] 26th edition of the NRC AM Radio Log - up for grabs - now claimed, Peter Jernakoff
  • [IRCA] TP Cx: 27 September Unstable and Fair at Best, John H. Bryant
  • [IRCA] 15 minutes worth of dx + noise, The Kaskey Family
  • [IRCA] AM bandscan from CT / URL, Eric Floden
  • [IRCA] Hannity change in Tampa, Bob Foxworth
  • [IRCA] New QSL cards, Dave Pyatt
  • [IRCA] NE Oregon TPs, Wednesday morning (repost), Steve Ratzlaff
  • [IRCA] WJN 720, Walter Salmaniw
  • [IRCA] KMPH 840 Preparing For IBOC?, Albert Lehr
  • [IRCA] Parallels for 648 appreciated, vroomski
  • [IRCA] Daves' HQ 180, vroomski

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