Re: [IRCA] Chile logged!
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Re: [IRCA] Chile logged!

The following web page tells you all you need to know about Navtex

Basically, you tune to 516.3 in USB mode, and patch your radio's audio output to the sound card for your computer. The software seems to tolerate level mismatches pretty well - I've been patching from the headphone jack of my R-75 or R8A to the mic input of my laptop with good results..

I also use SeaTTY, which works quite well at decoding the broadcasts. At Grayland last weekend, I received Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Russia, as well US & Canadian broadcasts. In the past, I've also gotten Guam, Malaysia, and China out there. From home, I've also received Miami, New Orleans, and Puerto Rico, but the rest of Latin America has eluded me so far.


cafe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Yes, I have SeaTTY software for decoding the signal.  It captures all NAVTEX
broadcasts for later review.  I bought this last year, but I think there's a
trial edition you can get.  Jim Renfrew

So listening on my Eton E1 or Drake R8 would be out of the question I guess?

Sounds like SDR receiving only... or some radio with IF Out.


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