Re: [IRCA] OT DSL vs Cable
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Re: [IRCA] OT DSL vs Cable

Hey Pat;

Sorry about you losing your neighborhood "hotspot."  Have you thought
about building / buying a long distance WiFi antenna to see if there are
other open hotspots?  I've never used one but have read lots about them.
They can be as simple as a USB Wireless adapter affixed to a long USB
cable, a cantenna or more intricate setups that resemble small microwave
dishes.  I read a message from veteran VHF DX'er Bob Cooper that talked
about relatives that rented an RV in the USA and with a homebrew WiFi
antenna, were able to get a signal from a travel center FIFTEEN MILES
down the road!

Search for cantenna or long distance wifi antenna and you should be able
to find some info.....



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:35:33 -0700
From: mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx (Patrick Martin)
To: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, am@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [IRCA] OT   DSL vs Cable
Message-ID: <13087-49CBE715-5577@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII

Living out here in the rural area, our options are limited for high
speed internet. There has been an open Wifi in the neiborhood or months
that I have been using, but the past couple of days it has been off. I
have no idea if it will return or not.  I thought about adding cable,
but I have Dish Network, so the cable would only be for the internet at
$55 a month. However, it is so leaky RF wise that I don't want the QRN.
Then there is DSL, but the nearest DSL is a mile away, and Qwest quoted
me $1500 to get it to my house. Is DSL noisy? Any QRN to deal with? Then
there is a 3rd option, satellite, but is more expensive than cable, but
not the $1500 to get it here. Also maybe Verizon may offer high speed
via cel phone type service,  but that is probably spendy too. I can
always buy a point to point antenna, or build one to see if I can find
other open Wifi's farther away. 
   I wouldn't care, but I connected last night on the computer at 11.6!
I finally got 26.6 after trying several times. I know many who live in
Astoria or Seaside that get at least 40 on dial up. If I got that, it
would be easier to live with.   Any thoughts? Thanks.  Living in rural
America has its perks, but also the loses too.


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