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VoT Missing  View Printable Version 
Saturday, September 28 2019


TURKEY TRT Emirler when checked on Sept 28 at 09.20 UT

11675.701 kHz S=8-9 in south Germany, S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar site.
backlobe signal of Turkish NE/ME service.
11750.009 kHz TRT Arabic sce, backlobe signal in Europe,
S=8-9 in southern Germany, S=9+35dB in remote SDR Doha Qatar
11795.023 kHz TRT Persian sce, sidelobe signal in Europe,
S=9+10dB in southern Germany, S=9+20dB in remote SDR Doha Qatar
11955 not, only alternate frequency HFCC/ITU request.
13635.008 kHz S=9+45dB powerhouse here in soGermany,
S=9+35dB backlobe into Doha Qatar NE/ME at 09.44 UT.
but had also again a break at 09.35 UT, as yesterday Sept 27
happened too, TX signal back at 09.38 UT.

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Ivanov" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] VoT Missing

Sept. 28 missing 13635 from 0600UT for Turkish sce

На пт, 27.09.2019 г. в 14:11 ч. Ivo Ivanov via Groups.Io <ivo.observer=

September 26/27 Voice of Turkey missing
1300-1355 on 11965 in Russian and
1400-1425 on 9610 in Italian

На чт, 26.09.2019 г. в 20:36 ч. Richard Langley написа:

Turkey missing on 9460 kHz at 2030 UTC this afternoon (26 September) with
Turkish service. Not there as noted here in NB nor using the U. Twente
receiver. Did they punch up a wrong frequency or some other issue?
-- Richard Langley

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


VoT Missing  View Printable Version 
Saturday, September 28 2019

At 1000UT Turkish on 13635 & 11675,7
At 1000UT no signal on 9655 & 9855
Later start at 1003UT on 9655 Georgian and 1004UT on 9855 Tatar

На сб, 28.09.2019 г. в 9:47 ч. Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de>

> TURKEY TRT Emirler when checked on Sept 28 at 09.20 UT
> 11675.701 kHz S=8-9 in south Germany, S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar site.
> backlobe signal of Turkish NE/ME service.
> 11750.009 kHz TRT Arabic sce, backlobe signal in Europe,
> S=8-9 in southern Germany, S=9+35dB in remote SDR Doha Qatar
> 11795.023 kHz TRT Persian sce, sidelobe signal in Europe,
> S=9+10dB in southern Germany, S=9+20dB in remote SDR Doha Qatar
> 11955 not, only alternate frequency HFCC/ITU request.
> 13635.008 kHz S=9+45dB powerhouse here in soGermany,
> S=9+35dB backlobe into Doha Qatar NE/ME at 09.44 UT.
> but had also again a break at 09.35 UT, as yesterday Sept 27
> happened too, TX signal back at 09.38 UT.
> 73 wb df5sx
> wwdxc
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ivo Ivanov" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 8:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [WOR] VoT Missing
> Sept. 28 missing 13635 from 0600UT for Turkish sce
> На пт, 27.09.2019 г. в 14:11 ч. Ivo Ivanov via Groups.Io <ivo.observer=
> написа:
> > September 26/27 Voice of Turkey missing
> > 1300-1355 on 11965 in Russian and
> > 1400-1425 on 9610 in Italian
> >
> > На чт, 26.09.2019 г. в 20:36 ч. Richard Langley написа:
> >
> >> Turkey missing on 9460 kHz at 2030 UTC this afternoon (26 September)
> with
> >> Turkish service. Not there as noted here in NB nor using the U. Twente
> >> SDR
> >> receiver. Did they punch up a wrong frequency or some other issue?
> >> -- Richard Langley


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


KEIN 1310 Great Falls, MT  View Printable Version 
Saturday, September 28 2019

The KEIN signal has faded but now I'm fairly certain they're playing some
other kind of alternative/harder rock tune..

They filed for authority to be silent back in late July it was granted 2
weeks ago, on Sept 11th good until July 2020.. but theyre most certainly on
the air tonight

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:24 PM Paul B. Walker, Jr. <
walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com> wrote:

> The station is listed as "real country" and "nostalgia" by Radio locator
> while being shown off air as well. It is none of those 3
> It is on air tonight with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers at 1124pm
> mountain time.
> Paul
> Laramie, WY
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


KEIN 1310 Great Falls, MT  View Printable Version 
Saturday, September 28 2019

The station is listed as "real country" and "nostalgia" by Radio locator
while being shown off air as well. It is none of those 3

It is on air tonight with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers at 1124pm
mountain time.

Laramie, WY
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


VoT Missing  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 27 2019


TURKEY 9830.021 kHz exact measured.
TRT Emirler in English scheduled 22-23 UT noted with mx program at 21.58 UT,
S=9+35dB proper signal into southern Germany tonight,
but hit by own BUZZ tone, 8 x 100 Hertz distance strings seen
visible either sideband.

Schedule time and frequencies in total, in English language announced
22.00-22.01 UT

Nx started at 22.02:30 UT, 'some 430 buildings hit by recent earthcake in
Istanbul ... 5th flight of Turkish airforce F12 fighter operated regularily
on SYRIAN national soil, on fight against Kurdish national folk group home
territory on northern Syria. '

Super widerange signal covers 9815 to 9845 kHz band.
22.09 UTC Turkish press report.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 27)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Langley" <lang@unb.ca>

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] VoT Missing
Back today (27 September). Noted at 20:35 UTC on 9460 kHz with Turkish.
-- Richard Langley

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Ivanov" <ivo.observer@gmail.com>

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] VoT Missing

September 26/27 Voice of Turkey missing
1300-1355 on 11965 in Russian and
1400-1425 on 9610 in Italian

На чт, 26.09.2019 г. в 20:36 ч. Richard Langley <lang@unb.ca> написа:

Turkey missing on 9460 kHz at 2030 UTC this afternoon (26 September) with
Turkish service. Not there as noted here in NB nor using the U. Twente SDR
receiver. Did they punch up a wrong frequency or some other issue?
-- Richard Langley

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


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