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Glenn Hauser logs February 18, 2025 |
Wednesday, February 19 2025
 ** CHINA. 11670 // 11725, Tue Feb 18 at 1512, huge VG signals S9+20/30 from CNR1 jammers: per EiBi, 11670 vs RFA Mandarin via Philippines this hour only; 11725 vs RFA Mandarin via Kuwait, this hour only on Tue & Thu only. Aoki fails to * that 11725 be jammed. No trace of victims here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 18 at 0730, R. Rebelde is OFF. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. It had been ON earlier in evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 15230, Feb 18 at 1506, RHC music S9 but JBM. Is anyone ever hearing any active RHC frequency besides this and 6000? Spanish evenings on 9710 is not RHC as someone guessed, but CRI East Turkistan. 9710 still shows on RHC website of grossly outdated info (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 11529.9, Feb 18 at 1509, S6/S6 of JBA music on signature off-frequency of ex-Hikari FM, in Mexico? Earlier than Rick Barton reports it normally starting at 1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9980, Feb 18 at 1504, S9+35/45 of dead air from TOMBS via WWCR; but resumed in less than a minute. No idea how many minutes or hours of DA preceded that (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Feb 18 at 2300 past 2330, NO signal from VOT, or TRT. VOT programming was ``back`` Feb 17, but neither on air today! Likewise the 2130 broadcast on 9610, both checked via UTwente, hearing only the Chinese no longer understations. So much for that; or, who knows what`s next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 26110 NBFM, Feb 18 at 1901, local weather, S5 far from full quieting, from KMK282, aux of KOVR `13` Stockton CA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday February 18 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S9+20/40 into S Texas SDR. Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 1400 on WRMI 9955, S9/+20 direct. Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 1500 on WRMI 9955, S7/S9 direct. No problem from something on 9960, which would be VOA Philippines in Myanmarianese at 1430-1630, rather than Vanuatu. Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italian, 1322.999-, S9 into UTwente. Next: 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975. Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1530, Feb 18 at 0751 UT, Spanish briefly overcoming stupid sports talk in English from WCKY, ``45 minutos de éxitos en La Raza, 104.9 y 95.1``. Therefore it is: KZNX Creedmoor TX, U7 10000/220 watts per NRC AM Log, but beware: another SS on 1530 is KXTD Wagoner OK also with FM on 104.9 but its other is 100.3, Qué Buena. KZNX`s 104.9 is KTXX-FM, 3.2 kW in Bee Cave. Its 95.1 is a mere translator, K236AT in Westlake Hills TX, 99 watts. Radio-locator shows address 6633 E Hwy 290, Austin TX 78723. But NRC Log shows address for KZNX in El Paso, tho Creedmoor is south of Austin, a tiny town pop. 202 as of 2010y census; why does it deserve such a station? U7 means 3 different direxional antenna patterns for day, night, and critical hours, CH power being 1000 watts. Locator shows two different sites, nighttime SE of Austin closer to Manor; day and CH south of Austin. If that`s not complex enough, per NRC also has a PSRA power of 55 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1670, Feb 18 at 0755, ``Black Information Network, Macon 1670``, easily surpassing local Enid pirate? Virtual DJ Radio, and XEFCR Reynosa. That`s WMGE, CoL Dry Branch GA. That leaves WOZN Madison WI sports the only other 1670 within easy range to here, besides two Californians and a Quebeckian (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** YEMEN [non]. 11934.9, Feb 18 at 1505, and still 1849, poor signal direct, presumed Arabic from Rep. of Yemen Radio, via SA`UDI ARABIA, on signature very stable offset, and no ``jamming`` for a long time now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 6001, Feb 18 at 0515, nothing on 6000 but at UTwente 6000 USB tuning still audiblizes the beepery only. Previously about this on-off-keying under CUBA [and non], ISRAEL, also maybe Norway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 11954.1, Feb 18 at 1850, JBA signal, also at 2004. Nothing in EiBi or Aoki on 11955 at these times, but HFCC has NHK Yamata, Japan registered 1900-0100 in Japanese at 290 degrees. Or maybe a local birdie, but seems stable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2349 UT February 18, 4 degrees F in Enid _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs February 17-18, 2025 |
Tuesday, February 18 2025
 JRX Logs February 17-18, 2025 Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000 Antenna: Longwire 10m All times Universal Time
CHINA ** 13780. Tue, Feb 18, 2025. 0158-0210, China Radio International, Kunming-CHN, in Nepali. Man talking w/ music background; 0201 Woman talking and a chinese melody; 0205 Man/woman communication w/ music bg; ID and website; A nepalese song. Good reception: 45554. PHILIPPINES ** 9875. Mon, Feb 17, 2025. 2314-2329, FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Iu Mien dialect. Woman announcer makes a preaching; 2326 Music; 2329 ID; Man talks. Good reception: 45544. TAIWAN ** 17790. Tue, Feb 18, 2025. 0214-0225, Radio NUG, Paochung-TWN, in Burmese. Woman announcer presents news; 0218 Man talking too; 0221 He talks w/ music bg, it seems a message. Good reception: 45544. TURKEY ** 7280. Tue, Feb 18, 2025. 0237-0247, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in Spanish. Space dedicated to turkish ancient history by woman announcer; 0243 Turkish songs. Good signal and moderate fading: 45533. UNITED STATES ** 7305. Tue, Feb 18, 2025. 0144-0155, Radio Vaticana, Greenville-NC, in Spanish. Man announcer presents "Vatican News", including Pope Francis health; 0149 Fast music and news by external correspondent; 0153 Woman/man talking. Good reception: 45544. JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier) Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3) Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48" SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL DX Map Location HI22NX
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Fw: Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17-18, 2025 + |
Tuesday, February 18 2025
 Some logs of yesterday Monday Febr 17 / Tuesday Febr 18 taken at Edmonton AB_Canada remote Perseus SDR unit, at 23.45 UT til 01.30 UT:
5960.003 TUR TRT Emirler, ID "The Voice of Türkiye" at 23.49UT, fluttery S=9 signal, 23-24 UT English sce. 23.45 UT 6010.036 BRA ZYE521 Rádio Inconficencia, Belo Horizonte MG S=5 23.50 UT <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_am.php> and <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_fm.php> 6149.958 BRA Rádio Saturno, BrasPort, S=5 poor and tiny,fluttery23.51 UT 6160v USA NOTHING on WCBQ txion at this hour. 6179.933 BRA Brasilia signal channel on lower sideband flank. 23.55 UT Rádio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, nice very sweet mx program at 23.55 UT on Mon Febr 17. S=8 strength in Alberta. 6184.966 MEX Senal Cultura Mexicana, Mexico D.F., Poor S=5 at 00.00 UT 7325even ROU RRI Galbeni site, Spanish to LatinAM 00.00-01.00 00.02 UT on Tuesday Febr 18. S=9+5dB signal sidelobe in AB-CAN. 7489.928 USA WBCQ, S=6 poor signal at 00.05 UT 7519.993 USA WWCR #4 Nashville TN, 'Hallelujah' S=9+30dB powerhouse strong signal into Alberta, at 00.06 UT 9264.987 USA WINB Red Lion PA state, sermon in Spanish(!), strong S=9+20dB signal. 2 x 120 Hertz apart away heavy BUZZ audio tone signal parallel, at 00.10 UT 9275even USA new 300 kW Ampegon excellent TX installation WMLK from Bethel PA site, S=9+15dB strength, En sermon 00.13 UT 9330even USA WBCQ in Portuguese progr of WLC S=9+20dB Febr 18 00.14 UT 9395even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL '... friends, the Lord is coming soon, You Are Ready ?', S=9+25dB much powerful strength 00.15 UT 9455even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, TOM BS ministry 'Hallelujah' sermon S=9+30dB much powerful signal 00.17 UT 9565.004 USA One of the USAGM units at Greenville NC is some Hertz aligned on upper flank, R Marti opposite radio towards Cuban audience on the communist organized govt island at 00.18 UT 9665.004 BRA Rádio Voz Missionaria, in BrasPort, 14 kHz wide 00.20 UT audio signal, S=9+10dB proper signal. 9690even ESP REE Noblejas Portuguese(!)language program, S=9+25 00.22 UT 9745even CHN CNR7 'Greater Bay Area' doemstic program in Cantonese language, S=8 at 00.23 UT and some more some 30 different China mainland SW radio programs too on 31 meterband at this hour in North America target ! 9818v BRA '9 de Julho' BrasPort - NOT ON AIR AT THIS HOUR. 9929.979 USA WTWW Lebanon TN, En sermon, singer chorus too 00.30 UT tremendous S=9+45dB signal into Alberta-CAN target Perseus SDR. 9955even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, S=9+20dB signal, singer group performance, 'Federal Reserve' matter talk 00.34 UT 12120 - 12210 kHz CODAR wiper sound heard at 00.36 UT 12050even USA WEWN Vandiver-AL state, catholic radio px in Spanish youg boys and girls program, S=9+35dB powerful signal 00.37 UT 11990.083 seldom odd aligned China mainland TXion outlet, CRI Khmer foreign sce via Nanning bcast center, S=8 at 00.40 UT 11930even USA R Marti USAGM Spanish outlet towards Cuban communist target audience,via USAGM Greenville NC center S=9+30dB 00.41 UT 11780.005 BRA Rádio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, Port S=9+25dB 00.43 UT 11749.779 BRA Rádio Voz Missionaria Camboriu SC, BrasPort, S=8 00.45 UT 11630even CHN CNR #17 domestic sce, 00.00-12.00 Kazakh language 00.48 UT via Lingshi #725 bc center site, S=6-7 fluttery signal. 11620even CHN CNR #5 'Cross Straight Bay' domestic sce from Beijing #491 txion center site, at 00.51 UT 13435 - 13570 kHz CODAR wiper sound and OTHR signal too heard at 00.52 UT 13705even JP NHK Radio Japan via KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, Burmese sce S=8 sidelobe into Alberta-CAN, 00.53 UT 13770.005 odd fqy CHN CRI in Vietnamese via Xian site S=9+15dB 00.00-00.57 UT, TX Xian off exact at 00.57:03 UT 00.56 UT 15189.778 BRA ZYE521 Rádio Inconficencia, Belo Horizonte MG S=8 01.01 UT <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_am.php> and <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_fm.php> 15215even probably CNR1 domestic program jamming, still parked at 01.03 UT of previously transmission THA VoA Udorn Thani Bandung Tibetan at 00.00-00.30 UT and 11830 UDO, 17575 PHT-PHL too. 15245.008 TWN USAGM RFA Burmese sce via Pao Chung site, S=8 01.04 UT 15425even CHN CRI Xianyang in Amoy Min Nan Chinese towards Taiwan isl, Girls singer chorus, S=9+15dB at 01.06 UT 15550even CHN CNR #7 'Greater Bay Area' Cantonese lang sce from Huhhot site, 00.00-11.00 Ut, 01.08 UT 15560.003 PHL FEBC Bocaue site, Javanese INS sce S=7 01.12 UT 15570even CHN CNR #11 domestic via Baoji Sifangshan #724 site 01.14 UT in Tibetan. 17575even PHL USAGM VoA Tinang in Tibetan towards western China Xining province target, S07 fair signal into Alberta-CAN 01.18 UT 17674.996 NZL odd fqy, seemingly older former Thomson transmitter reserve unit at Radio NZ 'Pacific' Rangitaiki site in use today. The latest Ampegon new unit is usual on exact even fqy. 01.20 UT 17715even ESP REE Noblejas still heard at S=8 level at this deep night hour (not 17755 kHz anymore) at 01.22 UT 17770 DRM digital CNR1 domestic sce mode, Dong Fang island Hainan site S=9 at 01.24 UT 21800even CHN CNR1 upper band end CNR dom sce jamming signal, also 21490even purpose at 01.27 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 17 - 18) -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 3:43 AM Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17-18, 2025 SPAIN. 9690, Mon Feb 17 at 2300, token English from SNR, VG direct here, almost VG on 17715, audible on 17755 and still no signal on 12030. No news, but interview about Spain locations substituting for USA in filming Westerns, etc. Guest had a heavy accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) TURKEY [and non]. 5960.003+, Feb 17 at 2335, Voice of Turkey is back! Long talk about something by familiar OM voice, but no segment/theme ID when finished, rather 2345 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music; lite 6CI JBA underneath. 2350 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2353 s/off just like in the old days, as if it`s only the 1330 broadcast on 13635. 2354 IS. 2356 pause and restart IS with German IDs. Chopoff at 2359:50 just in time to avoid an extraneous German broadcast, and uncover the Chinese CCI. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler! Many tnx to WOR reporters for heads-up: At 2312 from John VORW Jurasek: ``[WOR] Voice of Turkey English Service appears to have resumed! This requires further monitoring but as of 2300 UTC, I was surprised to hear the traditional English Service of the Voice of Turkey on 5960 kHz instead of the TRT World Television Audio, with the male announcer explicitly introducing the broadcast with a "We're back". Program contents are once again the mixture of news reports as well as cultural features and Turkish musical selections. I haven't seen any formal announcements of the reversal so it's probably worth checking 5960 kHz for the rest of the hour and 6125 kHz at 0400 UTC. Just a heads-up! All the best, John, Central Florida`` And Craig Tyson, Perth, Western Australia at 2339: ``[WOR] VOT English programming heard today and not TRT World feed on 9610 2130-2224 when transmission cut. Maybe they are back to their old English programming format? Also repeated at 2300 on 5960`` I have mixed feelings about this; as for the past sesquimonth I felt no urge or ``obligation`` to monitor Turkey vs Spain, TV news, et al. at 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; This report dispatched at 0242 UT February 18 _Hard-Core-DX mailing list _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17-18, 2025 |
Tuesday, February 18 2025
 ** CANADA. 15034 USB, Feb 17 at 2241, Trenton Military with aviation weather, nothing but ``No Report Received`` from four, Shearwater, Greenwood, Gander, Halifax, same repeated several times for good measure, I lost count. Then four more NRRs from Bagotville, Trenton, Ottawa, Toronto! 2243, Terminal forecasts: ditto! 2145 ID, aviation weather, back to group as first listed above. Total loss, can`t even get info from own base! Back to abnormal. Is no one paying attention? One can only hope Canadian Forces be a bit more competent in matters of life & death (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA [and non]. 6000, Feb 17 at 0315, RHC English S9+40/50 but extremely suptorted; something`s always wrong at RHC. Occasional beepy QRM. Others had been complaining earlier about that. 6001, Feb 18 at 0213, there it is again, intermittent OOK on this frequency into Maryland SDR, whilst Cuba is off, but Turkey is weakly on. Stronger into UTwente on 6000.998. We hear beeping only if allowed to beat against 6000. Maybe from 4XZ, which has shown up before inside the 49m SWBC band. EiBi has it only on four other frequencies in ute bands. See ISRAEL! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ISRAEL. In reply to my CUBA [and non] log about QRM from 6001: ``Good instincts, Glenn. These new pulse transmissions have been showing up all over, and the random OOK (on-off-keying, a correct synonym of the traditional ham abuse of the term "CW") seem to be an idle data circuit state. I haven't been logging the freqs but there has been one in the 8200-8300 range the past week, local evenings. When not idling, there are data burst transmissions in an identical-sounding format, probably PSK, to those previously heard on many freqs. The old method followed a consistent schedule. One such freq is 6617U at the top and bottom of the hour, right after Rostov VOLMET is done. These have been identified by others as the IDF with a unique data mode. I don't have an original, specific reference for that ID and how it was determined, and can't claim the credit for it. Historically, the old schedule didn't include these OOK pulses, just data. The new data transmissions seem to be on demand rather than on a schedule and can pop up anytime, with the OOK pulses between. I've never heard, or seen reported, any 4XZ OOK morse IDs directly associated with either the old or new schedule transmissions. One guess is that the morse and data all come from the same 4XZ site, and that there could have been an expansion of that site recently. Alternatively, it would also behoove the IDF to create some strategic redundancy with multiple HF tx sites, however, so something like a new Negev site to supplement the "Haifa" site isn't out of the question either. I'd expect the OOK pulses to disappear at some point once the IDF has its new wire circuits presumably feeding the tx site(s) properly configured. The OOK would help their own personnel but also their opponents find the new IDF data frequencies. One "old schedule" IDF data frequency, 8781, was subjected to Iranian jamming on 9 NOV 2024, noted here from 0015 Z after being reported online by others who wondered what it was. The jammer was a resurrected "Seda ye Mojahed" countermeasure that hadn't been heard in a number of years. I haven't heard the jammer again since then. The known source and the target support the notion that the IDF is the source of the data transmissions, given their mutual state of war. Another 4XZ observation of late: they have altered the dit, dah, and space timing on their OOK morse transmissions recently, as noted on their CQ loops on 6607, 6990, 8001, etc kHz. At first listen, it sounds like they are hand-keying, but it is too consistent and makes no sense to have an unfortunate IDF conscript hand-keying a CQ loop for hours on end. My guess would be that they are trying to prevent any software / automatic copy of their traffic, forcing their opponents to copy all 4XZ traffic by hand. This doesn't rise to the level of a preventative countermeasure, only an irritation... -- David E. Crawford, Indian River City, Florida Libre`` Another observation about this, not mentioning Israel, but NORWAY, Feb 17 at 2208: ``Re: [WOR] Jamming on RHC frequency ?? Hello, I am hearing a beeping sound at 6000 kHz. As far as I can tell, it's not a CW signal but a USB modulated beeping sound. And it's not morse code either, just beeps. I am a newbie regarding signal identification, but could this be "One Beep, two beeps" from Norway? Sigid Wiki lists frequency range 4.5 MHz - 6.429 MHz. Here is a bad recording from my high RFI indoor location with horrible shortwave reception: https://youtu.be/jBQ_H-iqxLY Best regards, Sebastian Schlüter``, NW Germany (via Glenn Hauser, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Mon Feb 17 at 2300, token English from SNR, VG direct here, almost VG on 17715, audible on 17755 and still no signal on 12030. No news, but interview about Spain locations substituting for USA in filming Westerns, etc. Guest had a heavy accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.003+, Feb 17 at 2335, Voice of Turkey is back! Long talk about something by familiar OM voice, but no segment/theme ID when finished, rather 2345 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music; lite 6CI JBA underneath. 2350 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2353 s/off just like in the old days, as if it`s only the 1330 broadcast on 13635. 2354 IS. 2356 pause and restart IS with German IDs. Chopoff at 2359:50 just in time to avoid an extraneous German broadcast, and uncover the Chinese CCI. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler! Many tnx to WOR reporters for heads-up: At 2312 from John VORW Jurasek: ``[WOR] Voice of Turkey English Service appears to have resumed! This requires further monitoring but as of 2300 UTC, I was surprised to hear the traditional English Service of the Voice of Turkey on 5960 kHz instead of the TRT World Television Audio, with the male announcer explicitly introducing the broadcast with a "We're back". Program contents are once again the mixture of news reports as well as cultural features and Turkish musical selections. I haven't seen any formal announcements of the reversal so it's probably worth checking 5960 kHz for the rest of the hour and 6125 kHz at 0400 UTC. Just a heads-up! All the best, John, Central Florida`` And Craig Tyson, Perth, Western Australia at 2339: ``[WOR] VOT English programming heard today and not TRT World feed on 9610 2130-2224 when transmission cut. Maybe they are back to their old English programming format? Also repeated at 2300 on 5960`` I have mixed feelings about this; as for the past sesquimonth I felt no urge or ``obligation`` to monitor Turkey vs Spain, TV news, et al. at 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1322.98+, S9/+10 into nearby Parma SDR, no signal into UTwente. Previous religious discussion was faded out just before 2000 for 7275 s/off announcement, continuing on 1323 kilohortz, right into WOR. Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2100 on WRN Europe stream. Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2242 the 2230 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003+, S8/9+5 into UTwente. Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2330 on WRMI 7780, S9/+20 into S Texas SDR; and on WRMI 7570, S9+10/30 into same. Also confirmed UT Monday February 17 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S9+10/20 into S Texas SDR. Also confirmed UT Monday February 17 from 0405 on Area 51 webcast only; on WBCQ 5130+, JL gotta go at 0400, but music continued on both until 5130 chopoff at 0403*. Also confirmed Monday February 17 at 2030 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003-, S7/S9 into UTwente. Next: 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW; 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975. Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING https://www.quora.com/Do-people-actually-believe-that-Ukraine-is-winning [despite initial title, this is mainly about Drumpf & his MAGAtts] This report dispatched at 0242 UT February 18 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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