[IRCA] Oregon Cliff (Cape Perpetua) Ultralight DU's for 8-17
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[IRCA] Oregon Cliff (Cape Perpetua) Ultralight DU's for 8-17

Hello All,
The Oregon cliffs typically throw some pretty twisted propagation at any DXer adventurous enough to set up on them, but the Cape Perpetua cliff really outdid itself this morning. Almost every split frequency had DU audio, and several of them had unusual snarls. As a result, the morning enhancement live DXing effort turned into one of the wackiest sessions I can remember.
The morning started very early at 1100 UTC (0400 local), as I made a special early trip to the Cliff to hopefully track down a 1017-Tonga sign off. Tonga was there under some domestic splatter, but it didn't sign off at 1100, and it kept playing hard to get under the splatter. The frequency is not a good one in this area, and I can well understand why last month's Yachats DXpedition group had such a challenge to receive it. It did peak around 1132 on the Cliff, though, with a male voice speaking an unknown language in a slow, "island style" manner (speak a sentence, then wait about 10 seconds to speak another one).
Sunrise enhancement kicked in around 1240, producing one of the wildest sessions in memory. 531-PI was maxing out the PL-380 S/N at 25, but was still troubled by an Aussie talker at times. The same thing was happening on 567, with the Kiwi big gun RNZ maxing out the PL-380 S/N, but having trouble with a vibrant Aussie co-channel at times (presumably the 10 kW Julia Creek).. 558 is usually a tough frequency to get any DU audio, but this morning it had a mix of two (with the Kiwi 5 kW station the apparent victor). 666 is another one that's usually tough, but this morning a French song was pretty easily matched with the 738 //, confirming the station as Noumea. 738 had  snarl of 2NR and Radio Polynesie, with the French on top for most of the session. In summary, it was one of the most bizarre and wacky "Cliffhanger" sessions that any DXer could experience.
531  PI  Auckland, NZ, 5 kW  Maxing out the PL-380 with vibrant Samoan island music at 1245
                Mixing with UnID Aussie talker at 1248
558  UnID-DU  (Apparently the Kiwi Radio Sport with sports-oriented pogramming, but // not available)
               558 mix at 1329 (headphones recommended)
567  RNZ  Wellington, NZ, 50 kW  Maxing out the PL-380 S/N with music and ID at 1300 TOH
               Mixing with UnID Aussie (apparently Julia Creek) at 1257
666  Noumea, New Caledonia, 20 kW  Playing French YL music // 738 at 1317 (same song at end of 
               738 MP3 below)
738  Radio Polynesie/ 2NR Mix  Vibrant mix of two South Pacific big guns; female song at end of MP3 
              matched with same song on 666-Noumea
1017  A3Z  Nuku'alofa, Tonga (presumed)  10 kW  Presumed the one with slow, island-type speech in 
              unknown language through splatter at 1132 (headphones recommended)
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Yachats, OR)
DXing at Cape Perpetua
(new DXpedition setup photo posted at
 http://www.mediafire.com/view/cw5uw5egiwclrqc/CapePerpetuaSetup.jpg )
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
New 12" FSL antenna


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