Re: [IRCA] Updated frequency offset for 1017 Tonga?
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Re: [IRCA] Updated frequency offset for 1017 Tonga?

Hi Guy,

If Jaguar uses the MW Offset list ( then it won't show CRI-1017, because it isn't on the list, which I guess was Chuck's point...there are a lot of stations not on the list, in spite of the fact that there are a large number that are there (with many that haven't been updated for a few years; Tonga's is 8 years old). It would be interesting to find out what other sources Jaguar uses.
The list is dependent on input from interested DXers, so, for any of 
us who may have lucked into a lucrative retirement, a) tell us how 
it's done and  b) set up your travel plans to include places where 
you can gather many new or updated offsets for the list.  At the very 
least, submit the offsets from your locals....but please, know what 
you're doing, in terms of calibration etc.  Plenty of help is 
available on the Yahoo mwoffsets group.
I know I gathered offsets during a trip to Japan a few years ago, and 
many of them have not been updated since then on the MW Offset 
list.   It would be much easier now with a good SDR and a list of 
known reference stations.
best wishes,


At 19:14 27-07-13, you wrote:
Hi Chuck,

Yes, that's why I said Jaguar "noted" JOLB's carrier, not that it *was*
that station. It always takes the experience of a DXer to interpret the
results of something like this, just like we shouldn't list-log a station
because it's shown in the PAL (for instance) as being on the frequency.
That said, the tool now known as "AI RDS" has come a long since you were
involved with the software and it's accuracy has improved a lot.

Jaguar has all of the offsets from the MW Offset List built in, and
contains a recent feature to collect new ones for sharing among team
members. I think the tool was suspecting that small peak right on 1017 kHz
as JOLB because Japan is within the 110 degree beam of the DKAZ antenna
when pointed at the 257 degrees we measured. As part of its process with
other criteria, the tool "looks" at all stations within the beam width and
bearing of the antenna as possibilities. However, I don't know why it
didn't "suspect" the CRI station on 1017, which was also in the beam and is
twice as powerful as JOLB (we didn't note any Chinese stations on the
DXpedition, though, that I know of).

I hope you will be helping out with the program's development in the
future... your DXing experience is highly valuable.


Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Chuck <charlesh3@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Guy:
> Same here - Tonga was 7.3 Hz high in a file I checked.
> As for NHK on 1017..... While possible, I think Jaguar is really making a
> huge jump to a doubtful result. I'd bet Jaguar has few offsets and I'd be
> amazed if they had offsets for Radio Sport and 2KY. Jaguar also doesn't
> know that we had few Japanese overall while NZ was the dominant on many,
> many channels.
> I couldn't rule out Japan, but don't think Jaguar should rule it in.
> Chuck
> On 7/27/2013 10:16 AM, Guy Atkins wrote:
>> <CLIP>
>> Jaguar's latest automatic calibration tool is supposed to be highly
>> accurate (1/2 Hertz accuracy), so with all three of us referencing the
>> .008
>> offset, I'm sure Tim was hearing Tonga. I did see that Tonga's signal
>> wanders a bit over the span of a few minutes, from .0073 to .0083.
>> Another peak right on 1017.0000 was noted by Jaguar as the NHK Tokyo
>> station JOLB (based on a number of factors such as known offset freq.,
>> distance, antenna bearing & beamwidth, transmitter power, etc.).
>> 73,
>> Guy Atkins
>> Puyallup, WA

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