[IRCA] 1575 multiple carriers; was: Re: TP for 19 Nov 2011 from Victoria: down compared to the 17th and 18th
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[IRCA] 1575 multiple carriers; was: Re: TP for 19 Nov 2011 from Victoria: down compared to the 17th and 18th

Finally got to check another recording Walt, from a week earlier, 12 November. At 1500UT, 1575kHz almost seemed to have more carriers than stations listed in PAL..

Probably about .3Hz error due to Doppler smearing, so I think your Perseus is set pretty accurately. Strongest were .9944 (VoA likely) and .0002, with .9816 a close contender (and that one signed off at 1500UT as well; nothing listed in PAL). Quite a mess...wonder if one of those was Farda which is supposed to be spot on channel, and in darkness at that time.
best wishes,


At 04:21 21-11-11, you wrote:
Nick, those carriers were measured around 15:00 UTC.  What, VOA not bang
on?  Interesting!........Walt

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 5:36 AM, Nick Hall-Patch <nhp@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Mauno Ritola noted the following on this list 4 October 2011:
>  Hi Nick,
>> you are right, VOA has drifted 2 Hz down to 1575.995 kHz. Farda UAE is
>> right on 1575.000 kHz. Iran 1575.022 kHz.
>> Bubble jammer 1574.24 kHz. Plus about a dozen of UNID carriers.
>> 73, Mauno
> I'm not at home right now, so am depending on SDR recordings from 18
> November, Walt, but I believe that VoA is now 1574.9940 (which you noted,
> and was the strongest signal here), while the other major signal on the
> recording I have is 1574.9389 (likely your .941)  which is definitely unID.
>   The others were too weak on that date to really note (maybe one on
> 1574.9995...).  What time did you hear all those carriers?
> best wishes,
> Nick
> At 15:18 19-11-11, you wrote:
>> 1575:  6.  I've noticed this one to have a wide peak for the last few
>> days,
>> so zoomed in with my Perseus.  A real hodge podge of signals on 1574.921,
>> .941, .994, .998, .999, and 1575.003.  Nick could probably elaborate more
>> with his superior set-up to measure the various carriers.
>> 1593:  7 level CNR1

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