Re: [IRCA] Kauai report for 1 Dec2010
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Re: [IRCA] Kauai report for 1 Dec2010


See below for come comments


On 12/1/2010 1:28 PM, Walter Salmaniw wrote:
630:  Call-in show.  I had assumed that it was Australia, but I also notice
that KUAM Guam is listed here.  Too weak to tell the accent (it was in
English).  Wonder whether KUAM does any talk-ins? (fair reception)
According to, KUAM's format is a lix of local talk and 
island music.   The website doesn't mention what's on overnight, but I 
would think music is more likely.
The site has streaming audio if you want to check further.  They're 
running mostly nonstop music at the moment, with occasional IDs.
1170:  poor to fair to West, so likely VOA Poro
Quite likely VOA on 12/1. Your Hindi here on 11/30 might have been KLOK San Jose, which has a South Asian format
1593:  fair to good to west with het as well.  CNR1 plus someone else?
There's a Micronesian station on 1593, but I have it listed as "possibly silent" in the PAL. There are also a couple of NHK stations.
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