[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 10 Feb
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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 10 Feb

Well, I think John B must have put in a good word for us, as this was, without a doubt, the best morning for a couple of months. The lower band wasn't anything special, but the upper end of the dial was almost of fall quality. Audio heard from:
594 Japan
666 Japan
693 Japan
738 maybe two stations here, both pretty weak
747 Japan
774 Japan
828 Japan
945 CNR1 China
981 CNR1 China
999 unID, sounded Chinese.  Second carrier on 998.91 likely N.Korea
1017 China CRI in Korean
1035 very slight traces of audio, but at least 5 carriers here.
1089 unID, man speaking in heavy splatter @1404
1116 weak audio, sounded Chinese @1422
1134 Korea
1205.98 China
1386 Japan NHK2 synchros, but also another station with instrumental music
1422 faint traces of audio @1429, likely Japan
1467 unID, traces of audio @1434
1503 Japan NHK1 @1443, surprisingly good
1521 audio traces @1438
1566 Korea, actually with fair audio @1432
1575 VOA Thailand
1593 China CNR1
1602 Japan NHK2 @1445

It was quite striking how much better the upper band was than the lower. I actually had trouble trying to get a parallel for 1602, eventually getting 774, which was only very slightly better than 1602! 1593 had the best signal from China, and the NHK signal on 1503 was perhaps as good as I've ever heard it.

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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