[IRCA] Late night election DX opportunity?
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[IRCA] Late night election DX opportunity?

I'll be holding down the fort at WXXI 1370 as our NPR election coverage heads into the wee hours later tonight.
NPR will have live coverage running until at least 3 AM and possibly as 
late as 5 AM, and I'll be handling the local inserts (scheduled at :20 
and :40 past the hour, but subject to change) and station IDs from 
midnight on.
Might I wander downstairs to master control at some point during the 
experimental hours and flip us to daytime ND pattern for a few minutes 
if things get slow?
There's only one way to find out... :-)

This should be an interesting night for DX, as many stations that are usually in network programming will be live and local. WABC 770 is using Mark Simone (the host of "Saturday Night Oldies") from 10 PM-1 AM ET, and then Bernie McGuirk, Imus' producer, will be live from 1-5 AM. WBT 1110 will be live all night as well. I'm sure they won't be the only ones.

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