Re: [IRCA] IRCA Digest, Vol 52, Issue 85
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA Digest, Vol 52, Issue 85

GE ULR? I think I've read almost everything there is about URLs and a GE doesn't ring any bells.

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 07:49:25 -0400
Subject: [IRCA] Was WAIK-IL 1590 on day power w/Chicago Bears fb last
To: <amdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "John Rieger"

Last night around 2200 EDT, I was dialing up the band on my GE ULR and I
ran across a signal on 1590 equal with 6 mile local WNTS (especially
w/WNTS nulled down a bit).  It was the Chicago Bears vs. the Cleveland
Browns pre-season NFL football.  I had initially thought of WAKR but
realized that I was listening to da Bears network and not da Browns.

I did not hear an ID near the TOH ID near 2200 but heard an ad for
something like Badger National bank but I think that was part of the
network coverage and not a local spot.

WAIK is the only 1590 outlet that I found when looking for Bears network
stations.  Any other guesses?  Did anyone note WAIK on late last nite?
This would be a new station for me - else I wouldn't have mentioned it.

(t)590 WAIK IL Galesburg 8-28 2200 G w/Chicago Bears preseason football.
Either no TOH ID or I missed it.  o/local WNTS @ times. DH-IN

DH-IN Dave Hascall Indianapolis IN GE ULR
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