[IRCA] Hills Are Alive With The Sounds of Tizzies
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[IRCA] Hills Are Alive With The Sounds of Tizzies


Sorry my DX Loggings are getting mis/dis-justified somehow. If you want to read
them clearly, pay your $10 and join IRCA and get SDXM.

I am VERY surprised how productive the X-Band is for Tizzies. I've logged
several new ones over the past two weeks.

They start to come in at 1745 EDT or so, and are on every X-Band frequency
except 1650 and 1660. As LSS comes and passes, they are overtaken by the Big

I think I'm hearing "talking houses" on some frequencies, where I hear 
drifting frequencies.

1680 is LOADED with Tizzies. It's getting them IDed is the trouble.

Youse guys down in SC and GA, put on them "cans" and LISTEN! I have no special
receiving equipment. But I've been working my antennas up, and they're the key!


   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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