Re: [IRCA] Vashon TX sites
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Re: [IRCA] Vashon TX sites

Patrick Griffith, N0NNK / WPE9HVW wrote:
> The opening web page for Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers
> ( has a very cool photo of what appears to be a 3-tower
> in-line array right next to a 4-tower parrallelogram. Both are located
> on the end of a narrow jetty of land surrounded by water. Since Hatfield
> & Dawson is located in Seattle I was wondering if this photo might be of
> Vashon?  

Nope - that doesn't match any of the Vashon tower configurations, and 
none of them are on a narrow spit of land like that. H&D are doing a lot 
of international work these days, and something about that picture just 
doesn't look like a US site.

With all this interest in the Vashon towers, I should really dig out my 
pictures from my 1999 visit there and post them. (Our little group 
didn't make it to Vashon this year; it was a long story having to do 
with very rude treatment at the ferry terminal on the Seattle side, and 
it ended happily, since we ended up touring the KIRO-AM and 
KOMO/KVI/KOMO-TV studios instead...)

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