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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-20

Sunrise enhancement at my location usually seems to mean a time shortly before sunrise, followed by a rapid fade down, though occasionally signals remain after sunrise for a short while, usually somewhat weaker from before, but with less and less domestic interference. There are exceptions, 954 and 1242 Japanese can rise up in strength as sunrise approaches for example.
It's not always clear how much of the enhancement is due to improved 
signal to noise for the overseas signals as domestics fade down, but 
the improvement in actual signal strength of the DX seems real, per a 
number of measurements over the years.
The other oddity is the frequent  pre-sunrise enhancement of Asians 
followed by a later enhancement for DU stations, sometimes crossing 
into actual daylight.
Then there are the actual post-sunrise enhancements which are a 
genuine oddity, but do occur, even away from the coast.  Quite a few 
years ago  JOAK-594 faded back in quite strongly over an hour after 
local sunrise, if I remember correctly.    It's somewhere in my 
notes....a pretty rare occasion though.
best wishes,


At 22:56 20-09-16, you wrote:
We also get the reverse at sunset -

During the 1994 - 1996 seasons, it was not that uncommon to get TA's
showing up at 3 PM in the afternoon in early winter...

Or Trans-pacifics hanging in until 9 or 10 AM in the morning.

Location - location.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 3:54 PM, <d1028gary@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Richard and Bill,
> Sunrise enhancement isn't always guaranteed, even here on the west coast.
> What we usually have during the TP-DX season is somewhat boosted
> transoceanic reception starting at the first sign of daylight, and
> continuing for different durations, occasionally until bright sunshine is
> in effect (on the best days).
> Sunrise enhancement at the inland home locations of the west coast
> TP-DXers is rarely as good as what is possible on the ocean coast, where it
> can continue for two hours or more (especially during exceptional
> conditions). The Victoria DXers' version of sunrise enhancement also seems
> to be more generous and longer-lasting than the Puyallup version,
> presumably because of their proximity to salt water.
> 73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA)

Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
<http://www.Coffeecrew.com> and DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> -
VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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