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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 2-10

** ALASKA. KNLS never answered my inquiry about their conflicting frequencies
for English at 1200: 7355 & 9780 or 7355 & 9920 --- but rechecking May 5 I see
that now their English, Chinese and Russian schedule versions all agree it is
9780. Recheck prompted by Joe Hanlon`s log of PHILIPPINES at 1200 on 9920

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13750, May 2 at 1300 was too weak to overcome the local
TVI, but when rechecked at 1319 it had improved to a fair signal, during
mailbag (?) segment which was about the theatre in Albania. Now I could hear
the hum on the audio which others with stronger signals have reported.

R. Tirana chex May 4: 1300 on 13750 not audible; but at 2001, good on 13720
with usual opening schedule announcement claiming local time is UTC (Glenn

** ALGERIA [non]. Qur`an recitation with deep fades on 9540 at 0540 May 4. One
of the relays via UK as scheduled, but don`t recall hearing this before (Glenn

** CANADA. DRM transmitter amok again --- May 8 at 0550 I found the CRI relay
on 6190 had heavy DRM interference, extending to 6185 and 6195. It was a
mixture of AM and DRM, as the CRI analog signal could still be recognized,
barely. Both went off at the same time 0559, allowing e.g. Mexico on 6185 to be
audible once again.

This appears to be the same type of problem you previously had later in the
morning on the 15240 Sweden relay we discussed some months ago.
Regards, (Glenn Hauser, OK, to RCI Master Control, May 8, via WORLD OF RADIO

Greetings Mr. Hauser, Thank-you for the information. I will have this evening's
technician monitor the feeds closely from that transmitter to ensure it runs
smoothly tonight. Regards, (Suzanne Gaudet, Sackville Master Control, May 8, DX

BTW, Voice of the NASB will be broadcasting WORLD OF RADIO 1358 in DRM via
Sackville, Thursday May 10 at 2200-2230 on 9795-9800-9805 (Glenn Hauser, DX

** CHAD. The extremely distorted signal around 7312 has finally been identified
as RNT, somewhat off-frequency from 6165. Here are previous reports leading up
to the solution.

UNIDENTIFIED. Extremely distorted spur on 7312v: On UT May 2 I was finally
waiting for it early enough to hear it pop on at 0429 with music; 0433 some
talk, 0437 back to music. Just too distorted and too much ChAf from 7310 to
make any more of it. But that scheduling does point to Chad. Of course, 6165 is
blocked here at that hour by Bonaire. If it were a mixing product with MW there
would have to be something on 1148, unlisted and unlikely. Could be 6165
transmitter is very badly mistuned. Is anyone currently hearing it at any other
time? Or maybe they have tried to retune it to a 41mb frequency. Or maybe none
of the above. Note: I can`t get a precise measurement on the frequency since
there does not seem to be a detectable carrier in all the garbage; but on
different dates it has seemed to vary slightly from 7311 to 7314 (Glenn Hauser,

Noted again in quick check around 0505 UT May 3 QRMing Flevo 7310 (Glenn

UT May 4 around 0520, only audible as some bad noise QRMing Flevo 7310. UT May
5 there were only traces of the spur before and after 0600 vs Flevo and Sines

The extremely distorted spur(?) is still there between 7310 and 7315, but we
are sure getting tired of trying to pull out a definite ID, when hardly a word
can be comprehended. Such as UT Monday May 7 at 0457 check, causing more of a
problem to WHRI 7315 than Flevo 7310 due to relative strengths and frequency
variation at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Wolfgang Büschel reported this to Deutsche Welle monitoring and direction
finding station at Bockhacken, audible from 0426 past 0715 UT. They got a
bearing of 165 degrees from Köln, which does cut across Chad (as well as
several other African countries). Also to Ehard Goddijn of R. Nederland
monitoring, who also heard it and recognized it as RNT which he had previously
heard on 6165, but missing from there now. Andy Sennitt remarks that now we
know what it is, the problem is contacting RNT and getting them to fix it,
since their e-mail and fax number don`t work, according to Ehard (Glenn Hauser,

There was heavy T-storm QRN, May 8 at 0545 check, but with BFO on I could still
hear this mess in the 7310-7315 area.

May 10 did not tune in until 0620, and found no sign of the extremely distorted
RNT transmitter around 7312v; fixed, or faded out by then? (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CHINA. I noticed Firedrake May 7 at 1415, rather weak on 15150. Here is the
explanation. So VOI is now out of luck if they use 15150 at any daypart: (Glenn

Dear OM, 24 hrs type Firedrake. 
Now operating on 9200, 10300, 13970, 15150 (ex. 14500) and 18160 kHz. 
Cf. Bi List A07 * mark: http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bia07.txt 
de S. Aoki (S. Hasegawa, NDXC, UT May 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

The Sound of Hope broadcasts two programs now. 1st program is news and news
commentary on official program at 1100-1700 and 2200-2400, and unofficial on
9200, 10300, 15150 kHz via Taiwan.
2nd program is entertainment on 13970, 18160 kHz via Taiwan.
These programs are carried on Eutelsat W5. Cf. http://www.lyngsat.com/ew5.html
de S. Aoki (S. Hasegawa, NDXC, May 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Firedrake check on SOH frequencies, May 10 at 1448: poor by audible on 18160,
good on 15150, fair on 13970, not heard on 10300 or 9200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA. Looking thru the WRTH A-07 update, I see they have R. Rebelde at
1600-1730 only on 11655 and 15570, tho as reported several times in the last
few months in DXLD, they added 15370, 17555 and 17735. Is this still the case?
Checked May 4 at 1717, yes, very strong on 17735 and 15370, also audible on
17555 and 11655, but not on 15570. Tho with Cuba you never know what they will
do from one day to the next. Also shows Rebelde at 03-04 on 6100 --- I don`t
think so: R. República is there! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECHIA [non]. WRMI is not always audible on 9955, jamming or not, but
Monday May 7 at 1832 without jamming, some station in English, poor signal. Per
WRN schedule during this semihour it`s Radio Prague. Why isn`t this defacto
relay on RP`s transmission schedule? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. The 1200-1230 English broadcast from RFI moves from 21620 to 17800
for May-August, but what is the site? 21620 was surely Issoudun, but in past
RFI has used Ascension for the 17 MHz frequency. WRTH A-07 update shows all the
sites, and 17800 is Issoudun too now. No Asc at all for RFI broadcasts, nor in
the morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Around 1310 UT May 4, VOI was missing again from 9525; and
subsequently in this time period (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See
also CHINA: Firedrake

** ISRAEL. At 1927 May 3, I put Galei Zahal at about 15789.8; at 2007 recheck,
it was gone, so I suppose on this occasion back to 6973v, but Kol Israel was
now strong on 15615, unlike earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. OK tornado coverage --- Altho three, sometimes five of the
Oklahoma City TV stations are covering the tornado threat continuously, it
seems that only one of them is streaming

In case you would like to see how close this gets to Enid. Currently at 2000 UT
Sunday about 150 km to the NW, and not moving in our direxion.

KFOR-TV seems to have the edge with reporters on the scene, including David
Payne, who gets much too excited and yells into his poorly-funxioning
cellphone, but all of them have plenty of video of the aftermath.

[Later:] Around 2040 UT KOCO went back to SBG, and the live streaming stopped.
Tornado warning still applied to Woods County; when things heat up again in
coverage area, no doubt will resume. 

It then came back sporadically, including bits of the ballgame just before and
after, and even off-camera cuing, ``get ready``, etc. But then in the evening,
when continuous tornado warning coverage occupied channel 5, there was no

Might have to access from different link on homepage
http://www.koco.com/index.html  Look for a link on a red band at the top, not
just to NEXRAD. The 13264674 page above still appeared the next day and video
streaming tried to launch with no success.

4, 5 and less so 9, don`t hesitate to blow away their entire primetime network
schedule in such situations. KSBI-52, which makes much of its weather coverage,
since it is owned by a meteorologist, Brady Brus, ex-KWTV, really can`t
compete, but it does have remote cameras installed in lots of towns, especially
where it has translators, and also goes to continuous tornado coverage when
things get really bad.
KOKH-25 rarely does but warning maps in the corner and streamers are duplicated
on its co-owned KOCB-34 (CW). KAUT-43 (MyTV) is owned by KFOR-4, and runs early
news at 9 pm with the 4 crew; I haven`t really noticed how much if any live
weather breaks also go on it, but doubt much.

OKC TV station websites, the ones who do news/weather, some of which have video
news archives if not live streaming:
 4 [NBC]: http://www.kfor.com
 5 [ABC]: http://www.koco.com
 9 [CBS]: http://www.newsok.com [KWTV, soon to divorce from joint  
          website with The Daily Disappointment]
13 [PBS]: http://www.oeta.onenet.net/
25 [Fox]: http://www.kokh.com/
30 [TM] : http://www.ktuztv.com
52 [Ind]: http://www.ksbitv.com/

According to Spanish newspaper ads, Univisión also does local news in OKC, but
the channel situation there is very confused, low-power, and we don`t get it in
Enid; Univisión on cable is the national satellite feed, not thru OKC.
Wikipedia tries to explain it, but is somewhat ambiguous and contradictory:
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SIERRA LEONE [non]. COTTON TREE NEWS: Daily 0730-0800, 9525 via Ascension,
in English, Krio, Limba, Mende, Temne. Address: Fourah Bay College, Mount
Aureol, P O Box 766, Freetown. abennett @ hirondelle.org 
http://www.hirondelle.org (WRTH A-07 Update via DXLD)

This is the same transmission as Star Radio to Liberia, now only a semihour at
0700-0730 on same. COTTON TREE NEWS thus becomes a `station` too (Glenn Hauser,

** SPAIN. On the A-07 program schedules of REE is another repeat of La Bañera
de Ulises, Thursdays at 21-22 on 15110. Could it also be on the 15345
transmission to Lebanon which does not specify program content? May 3 it was on
neither, but instead some talk program in //. Maybe it was something sportive
taking priority. 15345 was deeply mixed with Morocco in Arabic, and perhaps RAE
Argentina in there too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. I didn`t realize that REE was running Cariari all day long on
11815, but that had to be the source of muffled Spanish, only fair signal, with
auto timesignal on the half hour at 1830 May 7: yes, per HFCC:
11815 1000 2300 12 CRI 100 110 1234567 250307 281007 D SPANISH E REE 

** UKRAINE. Original reports about RUI`s additional English broadcasts said
that of the four, one of them, at 1400 would not be on SW. Yet we see schedules
including that as if it does exist, e.g. in BDXC-UK Communication for May, 7530
kHz to Eu, 55 degrees from Kharkiv; not much English-speaking Europe in that
direxion! So is RUI in English at 14 on 7530, or not? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U K [non]. BBCWS in English at 11-13 via Guiana French from May 2 on 9465
ex-9480; more under USA: KAIJ. 9465 BBCWS confirmed here May 3 around 1255;
mediocre signal (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. KAIJ has wanted to shift from its night frequency 5755 to
day frequency 9480 at 1200 UT because it has a 3-hour program in progress [The
Power Hour at 12-15], but could not do so because BBCWS via Guiana French has
been on 9480 at 1100-1300. Now, George McClintock tells me, as of May 2, BBC
has kindly shifted to 9465 (for both hours, I assume), and KAIJ can bring up
9480 at 1200 instead of 1300, keeping TPH on the same frequency thruout.

He also reminds us of the live show weekdays at noon (1700 UT) on 9480, News &
Views; and another client, Southwest Radio Church is pleased that it is getting
more listener response via KAIJ than from other SW stations (Glenn Hauser, DX

published twice a year, in December and May, when our broadcast schedules
change. . . http://www.voanews.com/english/about/ProgramGuide.cfm 

Linx to seven sexions by region, except for English, in pdf:
(via Glenn Hauser, May 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Latest Talk to America with Kim Elliott included clips of Karen Hughes being
grilled in congressional hearing, available on demand for May 3 via

** U S A. The squealing transmitter syndrome, also often heard from Cuba,
especially their relays of China, and also just noticed today May 3 at 2008 on
15745, WEWN in Spanish. Someone once tried to explain it to me. Certain
transmitter types have cards in the modulator and as they start to fail the
squeal builds up. The reclusive Steve Waldee published quite a study of this re

WEWN`s squealing transmitter was also being employed May 9 at 1322 in Spanish
on 13615. It`s not too bad yet, compared to CRI via Cuba on 13740 (Glenn

** U S A. A new month, and apparently Brother Scare is gone again from WBCQ
7415, where he had been heard overnight until 1100 UT for a few weeks. Instead,
UT May 2 at 0526, I was surprised to hear Keith Perron interviewing Tom Meijer,
ex-Happy Station. These were the same old recordings KP recently posted to the
happystation yg. It turned out that this was included in the International
Radio Report from CKUT, a Sunday morning show which normally has no SW outlet,
with the unmistakable voices of Janice and Steve Karlock. After 0532 they went
on to other matters, including Montreal weather at the time, which is slightly
irrelevant now; over by 0545 so must have started around 0515. At 0546 WBCQ
promo and sign-off, no Brother Scare. So was IRR on WBCQ just a fluke, put on
by the operator on duty, or a new regular thing? Nothing about this on the show
website http://mediajct.homeip.net/radioreport/ which however has not been
updated in over a year (and tnx for the WOR link!). [Janice later told me it
was news to them that they had been on WBCQ.]

The 29 April revision at http://www.overcomerministry.org/SW-UTC.htm does not
show WBCQ, but I never got around to looking at it earlier in April to see if
they ever got around to including WBCQ overnight while it lasted. I wonder what
was on WBCQ at 0430-0515, after Herald of Truth. None of this appears on the
online sked at

WBCQ finally confirmed still on 18910-CLSB, May 9 around 1920 with monotonous
preacher (not the one who screams and pauses on weekends), a few hours before
WORLD OF RADIO scheduled Wednesday at 2300 when I can never pick it up. WBCQ
supposedly plans to go back to 17495 within a few weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. KGLP Gallup NM, afraid to stream: http://www.kglp.org/streaming.html
Also linx to an article about the problem. Wonder how many US public radio
stations are suspending streaming currently? We have several KGLP programs on

Hi Glenn -- KGLP is the first one I've seen since the current issue arose
(Kevin A. Kelly, publicradiofan.com DX LISTENING DIGEST)

TO BRAZIL (9th-14th MAY 2007)

I found this from VR`s Portuguese page, following Célio Romais` mention of this
upcoming. Strangely enough the info about special broadcasts is presented in
English! Most of the special broadcasts are not in English. Most of them
concern MW and FM to Romans; no special SW transmissions mentioned, unlike
Easter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZIMBABWE [non]. SW Radio Africa chex: Something barely audible here on 12035
around 1802 May 2.

May not be Rampisham any more. 12035 audible here, fair peaking at S9+10 in
discussion of regime, May 3 at 1816. Something else on 11810, seemed Arabish,
mixing with second signal, maybe SWRA. Don`t find anything else listed on 11810
at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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