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JRX Logs July 4, 2024   
Saturday, July 06 2024


surprise, surprise,
some LatinAM downwards winter condition signals on tiny level
noted at 23.30 UT July 5 Friday and til 02 UT on July 6:

4774.987 PRU R Tama (pres) S=4 or -97dBm Spanish lang noted 23.45 UT July 5
4819.994 PRU R Senda Cristina (tent), LatAM mx, S=4 or -94dBm at 23.48 UT.
4939.982 CLM pres Estacion 4940, Sp, S=4 -112dBm tiny under threshold.
4954.997 PRU R Cultura Amauta, Sp, S=4 -112dBm, 23.53 UT July 5
4985.014 BRA R Bras Central pres., S=5 in EUR, checked against KIWI set
at Pardinho S=9+15dB -60dBm, Sao Paulo SP, and Brasili S=9+15dB or
-59dBm strength in KIWI Net comparision.
5024.992 CUB Radio Rebelde noted S=8 or -76dBm signal
in Brasilia, operator Fernando PT2FHC, KIWI SDR remotedly.
5029.998 UNIDentified most probably European music pirate signal
S=8 or -81dBm pop mx at 23.58 UT here in southern Germany.
5129.929 kHz lower fqy flank frequency WBCQ pres. TOM from Monticello ME
S=7 or-99dBm at 23.59 UT.

7519.994 USA WWCR#4 Nashville TN, S=7 or -85dBm at 00.28 UT July 6.
7489.932 USA WBCQ QRM suffered MUCH by Navy band RTTY signal on
7488.900 and 7489.100 kHz nearby at S=9+20dB or -54dBm powerful sideband
QRM distortion...
7360.005 TUR TRT Emirler is back after Wednesday special maintenance day
break, Turkish S=9+20dB signal in Doha Qatar SDR, scheduled 00.00-02.00 UT
Turkish towards ITU zone #42, 500 kW at 72degr azimuth in Central Asia

9700even CUB RHC probably English sce, item of US occup Guantanamo area,
female reader presenter, S=8 at 01.06 UT July 6 noted in NY state remotedly,
6000 even , much low audio modulation signal though heavy carrier level,
suffered by BUZZ audio QRM of 360 Hertz distance signal ...
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 5 - 6)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Jota Xavier via Hard-Core-DX

Sent: Friday, July 05, 2024
To: Hard-Core-DX
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Logs July 4, 2024

4985. Thu, Jul 4, 2024. 0239-0248, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia-GO, in

Man announcer presents a musical program; He says ID and local time.
Fair reception and interference by RTTY transmission: 33532.

4765. Thu, Jul 4, 2024. 0214-0225, Radio Progreso, Bejucal-CUB, in Spanish.
Cuban songs; 0219 ID; Woman/man communications.
Poor to barely audible reception: 25422 to 25411.

JRX (Jose Ronaldo Xavier, 75) Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC/GMT-3)
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