Four new loggings in one night, so I'd say it was a "good night!"2019-10-15 at 2244Z on 780 kHz: WCKB, Dunn, NC, 7000 W, 534 miles SSW 2019-10-16 at 0347Z on 250 kHz: UAC, Poste Montagnais - Eric Lake, QC, Canada, 500 W, 786 miles NNE
2019-10-16 at 0358Z on 334 kHz: YER, Fort Seven, ON, Canada, 200 W, 1191 miles NNW
2019-10-16 at 0410Z on 364 kHz: ZHZ, Halifax - Split Crow, NS, Canada, 25 W, 519 miles NE
Caught WCKB just as they were signing off and was amused that they pulled the plug in the middle of the sign-off announcement.
Heard lots of other good stuff that was already in the log. The usual TA's and most notably, Cuba (Radio Rebelde), which was so strong on 710 that it left WOR in the dust.
Stan, WA1LOU, Downtown Wolcott, CT, USA