[Swprograms] World Radio Network North America stream schedule revisions
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[Swprograms] World Radio Network North America stream schedule revisions

WRN-NA Revisions Effective 6/30/12  (cf:  wrn.org/listeners/ )

With the demise of Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) comes some changes to the World Radio Network – North America stream (WRN-NA) schedule:

The 0800-0900 EDT (1200-1300 UT) bloc is now occupied by Deutsche Welle (DW) with the programs scheduled the same as those listed in “The Worldwide Listening Guide” for 0400-0500 UT for DW.  0630-0700 EDT (1030-1100 UTC) – As a result of DW taking the 0800 slot, Deutsche Welle (DW) is replaced by Radio Prague (R.Pra); programs broadcast are same as those scheduled 0200-0230 EDT (0600-0630 UTC).

The 1330-1400 EDT (1730-1800 UT) bloc Monday through Friday is now occupied by Radio Slovakia International (RSI) and carries the same programs as the WRN-NA RSI 2030-2100 EDT (0030-0100 UT Tuesday through Saturday) broadcast.

The 1800-1900 EDT (2200-2300 UT) bloc Monday through Friday is now occupied by Radio Sweden (R.Swe) during the first half-hour and Radio Prague (R.Pra) during the second half-hour.  The programs broadcast repeat these stations’ 1500-1530 EDT (1900-1930 UT) and 1430-1500 EDT (1830-1900 UT) WRN-NA Monday through Friday schedules, respectively.

Three former Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) programs apparently survive in the WRN-NA schedule, at least in the short term.  RTE Ireland (RTE) loses its 0900-1000 EDT (1300-1400 UT) slot on Saturdays and Sundays only (retaining the Monday through Friday slots) with the program “The State We’re In” broadcast on Saturdays and “Bridges with Africa” and “Africa in Progress” broadcast on Sundays.

The former RNW 1800-1900 EDT (2200-2300 UTC) slot on Saturday and Sundays now carries “Bridges with Africa” and “Africa in Progress” on Saturdays and “The State We’re In” on Sundays.

The following changes in the World Radio Network – North America stream (WRN-NA) schedule, necessitated by the demise of Radio Canada International (RCI), took effect on 6/30/12:

Channel Africa’s (SABC-CHAF) 0100-0130 EDT (0500-0530) Monday through Friday slot is extended by one half-hour to a full hour of “Africa Rise and Shine”.  The Indonesian News Agency magazine program “Asia Calling” now fills the 0130-0200 EDT (0530-0600) slot on Saturdays.

The former RCI’s Monday through Friday 0430-0500 EDT (0830-0900 UTC) slot is now occupied by Polish Radio External Service carrying the same programs as during its continuing 1300-1330 EDT (1700-1730 UTC) slot.

The former RCI’s Saturday and Sunday 1500-1530 EDT (1900-1930 UTC) slot is now occupied by Channel Africa (SABC-CHAF) which will repeat the same programs that it also currently broadcasts at 0500-0530 EDT (1000-1030 UTC) on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

John A. Figliozzi
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