Re: [Swprograms] BBC Newscast Shifts Lineup on U.S. Public TV Stations
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Re: [Swprograms] BBC Newscast Shifts Lineup on U.S. Public TV Stations

Side note:  all of the major cable companies are already phasing out "analog"
cable.  Because of the high bandwidth it requires and the demands for adding
more channels, they are eliminating their analog cable offerings in favor of
expanding digital cable.  In addition, most cable and satellite channels do not
offer analog satellite feeds to them, so the cable systems have to do a
conversion to even offer the channel via analog.  Within 2 to 3 years, very few
cable operators will be offering anything via analog cable.  

-Rob de Santos

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Anderson [mailto:k9iua@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:52 AM
To: Shortwave programming discussion
Subject: Re: [Swprograms] BBC Newscast Shifts Lineup on U.S. Public TV Stations

Wanting a non-U.S. viewpoint is exactly what I am after as well.  Reports from
non-U.S. reporters/stringers filtered through U.S. editors is most definitely
not the same.

As to BBC America appearing on more cable systems:  I believe that the shift of
U.S. OTA television to digital will have a negative impact on services provided
by cable television providers, making it even less likely that a BBC America
channel or similar will appear on the non-premium services.  While we here in
the U.S. with cable service are promised non-interrupted "good to go" service
with this switch to OTA digital TV, I believe we will quickly see networks and
channels, including those never provided OTA and currently in the cheaper
"analog" side of cable, abandoning/demanding higher carriage fees and possible
forced shifting to the digital premium side. What remains on the cheaper (for
the customer) "analog" service will quickly become a wasteland of channels.
Even OTA broadcasters, who are already starting to demand extra fees for
carriage of their OTA signal on cable providers (which happened here in Iowa
just a year ago by a broadcaster),
 will start to shift to the "premium" side.  Either cable will become
unaffordable or just become not worth it who can't upgrade to "premium" digital
cable.  And people like me who are far fringe to television markets, and
therefore more-or-less dependent on cable or satellite TV, will be hit the

Sorry if I dragged this yet further OT.

Kevin Anderson

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