[Swprograms] Budapest ending Italian; English?
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[Swprograms] Budapest ending Italian; English?

Francesco Cecconi reports that the Italian service of R. Budapest aired its
final transmission today. I don`t see anything about the same fate for English,
on their website, but it might pay to make a point of listening tonight anyway.
Unfortunately, they have not bothered to update their own schedule to show 5980
instead of 6110 at 0200:

00.00-01.00 Su 9,580 & 12,030 kHz Hungarian to South America
01.00-02.00 Mo-Su 6,110 kHz Hungarian to North America
02.00-02.30 Mo-Su 6,110 kHz English to North America
02.30-03.30 Mo-Su 5,980 kHz Hungarian to North America
03.30-04.00 Mo-Su 6,035 kHz English to North America

(Glenn Hauser, Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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