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[Swprograms] Daniel Schorr at 90+ Looks Back (Various NPR Stations Times & Dates)
- Subject: [Swprograms] Daniel Schorr at 90+ Looks Back (Various NPR Stations Times & Dates)
- From: Chet C <chetcope2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 22:46:04 +0100 (BST)
Daniel Schorr at 90+ Looks Back (60 min. Various NPR Stations Times & Dates)
Long time (VERY liberal) (U.S.A.) NPR news analyst Daniel Schorr retrospective at 90+.
I saw mention of this coming up on WETA last month.
Now A Google search
reveals that some NPR stations carried it in Sept; Others may have yet to air it..
Here are 2 this week:
1.) Thurs Oct 19 9 AM PDT (16 UT)
Listen via Real
2.) Friday Oct 20 at 6:00pm EDT (22 UT-23 UT) WETA-FM Wash DC
Listen w Real
Listen w Windows Player
(At the bottom of this post I also reference a local (Seattle KUOW) interview from Sept)
The show is being distributed to NPR stations w this blurb:
The Essential Journalist... Daniel Schorr
![Daniel Schorr]()
Daniel Schorr looks back on a lifetime of experiences reporting on historical events and people that range from Khrushchev and the Berlin Wall to Richard Nixon, Ted Turner, and Frank Zappa. These are memories of a journalist who is today the icon of broadcast news -- a veteran of newspaper, network and cable television, and radio news, who has won the most prestigious professional awards and set the journalistic standard for our age.
Robert Siegel
hosts the program, which features Daniel Schorr?s own frank accounts of decisions he has made and reporting he has done. Schorr's contemporaries Helen Thomas, Seymour Hersh, Marvin Kalb, David Wise, and William Safire help illuminate an extraordinary life and career, and NPR's Weekend Edition hosts Scott Simon and Liane Hansen share their experiences working with a legend of journalism. His work demonstrates the depth of knowledge of a topic and level of reporting that he and others at NPR News bring to the air -- both things NPR listeners count on and support.
Another recent interview w Dan Schorr (Sept 12 on Seattle's KUOW "Weekday" talk show (Listen Link--55 min--Real)
KUOW page
Finally:A NPR page on Schorr w some archived audio (Aug '06)
Chet Copeland
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