Re: [Swprograms] Will NPR replace the VOA as America's English-languagevoice?
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Re: [Swprograms] Will NPR replace the VOA as America's English-languagevoice?

In case you were unaware Mark there's a lot of PBS and
NPR programming as well as Pacifica Radio Democracy
Now on World Radio Network English for Europe who are
on Sky, schedule is here:

That includes On the Media at 0300 Monday, at that
time WRN is relayed by Spectrum Radio 558 medium wave
in London. 

Platform details:


They also carry Pacifica Radio Democracy Now
--- Mark Hawkins <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> NPR is intended as a domestic programme for the USA
> and so is not ideal for
> an international audience. However as the VOA
> appears to have all but given
> up any attempt at attractive English language
> programming NPR will
> increasingly be "the voice of America" for English
> language listeners.
> In Europe NPR is available on Worldspace and one
> popular satellite system.
> The only obvious weakness is that NPR isn't on the
> UK Sky satellite
> platform. This limits the UK audience. Presence on
> Sky would cost $60k -
> $100k per year and would not generate any income
> which is probably why it's
> not been done.
> Personally I enjoy "On The Media" on NPR and
> occasionally listen to other
> programmes.
> I know other NPR listeners in London.
> Mark Hawkins
> London, England.

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