Re: [Swprograms] Will NPR replace the VOA as America's English-language voice?
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Re: [Swprograms] Will NPR replace the VOA as America's English-language voice?

> NPR to replace the VOA in Berlin...
> This is something I have long recommended... since the developed world
> would benefit more from NPR's programming than the VOA's programming
> in terms of information, education and entertainment.
> Why?  Because NPR has already invested in the programming... might as
> well leverage that investment and then have the VOA produce
> programming that is not within the scope of any other broadcasters.
> Oh, wait.  That's what they plan to least the second half of
> focusing on Arabic services.
> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
> _______________________________________________
	Except that they don't put up which station/transmitter
	they are using.

	Most German radio is not to air anymore but through
	community cable and local FM..

	The Berlin license might be a holdover from the 
	Cold War.

	Nobody is listening?
	Ah, the Spiegel story of 24 November 2005 says
	87.9 FM.  The Medieanstalt (FCC to Yanks) is 
	concerned that the Americans regard the station
	and frequency as an American fiefdom.

	Ffind the FAZ essay by Heinrich Wefing on 
	the idea of NPR being a 'dove' compared to
	VoA 'hawk'

	While the innocent and ignorant like VoA, 
	the sophisticated dislike it and tune to
	other stations because of its hawkishness.
	Soft diplomacy is more persuasive.

	Speaking of Washington's arrogance, did you see
	that the Americans are going to clear everyone
	off of Ascension Island?
	   Linkname: US military blamed as Britain kicks out islanders

	Linkname: NPR Takes on Washington: Battling for the Airwaves in Berlin
          - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

	Linkname: Davids Medienkritik: The German Media's Left Wing Echo Chamber

	HEINRICH WEFING Text: FAZ, 23.06.2005, Nr. 143 / Page 42
	Wer sendet f|r Amerika? 
 	"National Public Radio" aus den Vereinigten Staaten bewirbt 
	sich in Berlin um eine Radiolizenz - gegen die "Voice of America"
 	Nat|rlich hdtte auch NPR den transatlantischen Zwist |ber 
	den Krieg gegen den Irak nicht verhindern kvnnen. 
	Aber wdre das amerikanische "National ..
	oder Zeitungsseite
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