Re: [Swprograms] More on Sirius, Post-Stern
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Re: [Swprograms] More on Sirius, Post-Stern

Stan Baker wrote:
> I find a similar situation in far off Austin, Texas. Curiously, the
> Sirius One unit is usually found at Radio Shack stores in no shortage. I

I had thought about trying one of those, because there's not a lot of 
space to mount a Sportster/Streamer in a 2000 Mustang GT. I ended up 
with a novel way of doing it though: by drilling two holes on the 
"shifter" side of the cup holder in the console. The "cup" of the 
plug-play mount screws right into the thing. Then you can neatly hide 
all of the rx/tx antenna wires underneath the molded cup holder, and 
inside the console.

Ford's also have a strip of plastic that inlay around the windshield 
defroster. Once you lift that off you get just enough room to route the 
cable of either style of magnetic antenna (I use the low-profile button) 
behind the dash and back to the receiver. Putting the plastic inlay back 
onto the dash holds the antenna from sliding around. Then a small piece 
of double-sided tape then keeps it from flopping around. The antenna is 
then perfectly located within the angle of the windshield for general 

I did something similar for my Explorer, but opted to use the adhesive 
mount at the bottom of the console to mount the receiver, rather than 
start drilling holes in plastic parts.

> television has assumed room temperature, and I fear my Sangean could get
> stuck on an unused FM frequency.

I've not gone quite that far yet. I've been accused of watching 
practically anything on TV as long as it's in HD. But I will admit that 
I've probably spent more money on space-based radio, TV and internet 
equipment in the past 12 months than I've spent in a lifetime for 
anything ionospheric or terrestrial-based. If this place didn't look 
like a field station before, it sure does now.

 > I find a similar situation in far off Austin, Texas. Curiously, the

Austin, eh? Congrats (and thanks) for "hooking" those Pac-10 clowns off 
their high horse.


Mark J. Fine
Remington, Virginia, USA

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