Re: [Swprograms] Best "SW broadcaster" website?
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Re: [Swprograms] Best "SW broadcaster" website?

> All right, let's run with this topic a bit.
> In everone's opinion, which international broadcaster has the best
> layout and organization on its website?
> I don't like Radio Australia's due to the multiple scrolling frames.

	Frames!  Should! Be! Forbidden!

	They are a blot upon the lanscape, cannot be 
	linked to and are a poor excuse for design
	See    Linkname: Frames Suck Most of the Time (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
	Linkname: Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005 
	The China Radio International English page is awful, trying
	to crowd everything into one page, and set for only
	Explorer browsers.

	Since I read everything in Blynx, the blind settings for 
	the Lynx text-browser, I don't care for the graphic bits.
	W3M or Links add some simple browsers.

	But with the few staff for web-page writing, (too many
	use the non-standard Front Page if you look at the 
	internal coding with document view or other options),
	the smaller language pages at China Radio do a much
	better, cleaner job, though they still use "English" 
	words in the underlying coding, for example referring
	to German on the German page links rather than Deutsch.

	The Deutsche Welle pages are poorly designed in all 
	their language services.

	So looking at one page in the English service might not
	give the flavour of that radio service's other languages.

	BBC has a WorldService which is 
	different from the internal (England) pages and from the 
	World News pages that many link to.

	But then it all sounds so good to the ear, and that is
	the main thing.  We only visit to get supplementary
	information, and the up-to-date (Ha!) freqenncy schedules.

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