Re: [Swprograms] Radio Australia email address
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Re: [Swprograms] Radio Australia email address

I can't speak for John, but I tend to correspond with specific
individuals, not the general English address.  I am loathe to
publicize individuals' e-mail addresses unless they give me specific
dispensation to do so, or I ask them to contact you.

Thanks for the tips re RRI & RB.  Why those two stations?


On 8/18/05, Ted Schuerzinger <fedya@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Since reception of RRI hasn't been too good this summer, I've been looking
> forward more to the travel shows where they visit different places in
> Romania, and Pro Memoria.  I haven't been listening to music much on RRI.
> Radio Bulgaria, on the other hand, has been booming, and I listen to their
> folk music programs quite a bit, as well as Keyword Bulgaria.

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