Re: [Swprograms] [dxld] Listening To Internet
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Re: [Swprograms] [dxld] Listening To Internet

I'm not sure if this is OT or not... I'll reply here and see where this goes.

In order to listen to Internet "Radio" I use an old PocketPC which happens to have a 
dead, non-replaceable battery. Since I can the no longer use the PocketPC portably, 
I've attached it to a power outlet and the stereo system.  This old PocketPC is now 
delegated to the task of Internet audio/video. 

The PocketPC has a WIFI card (purchased separately), plus RealPlayer (free), 
Windows Media Player (part of the OS) and a MP3 / OggVorbis player (free) software 
on it.  It's sometimes difficult to find the correct 'version' of the URL to get the audio on 
the PocketPC.  Rarely, the codec isn't available for the PocketPC -- such as for 
Bloomberg Radio.  

Of course, as the PocketPC ages and new Windows Media codecs are created, the 
PocketPC will have the issue of not being able to play new audio - unless third party 
WM codecs become available. I already have that issue with some WM 10 video (not 
audio).  My newer PocketPC (Dell Axim X30), has WMP 10 and WIFI built in - the old 
one (Audiovox Maestro) I'm talking about has WMP 8.5. Unlike for the PC, WMP is part 
of the PocketPC OS - so unless your manufacturer makes an OS update available, 
you'll be stuck with old versions of Windows Media Player. Some (all?) third party PPC 
WMP compatible players, use the WMP codecs which come with the OS.  

Since I didn't purchase this PocketPC for this purpose - whatever use I get out of it, is a 
bonus. You could get reconditioned or used PocketPCs for a reasonable price - 
although I don't know how that would compare with stand-alone boxes, which may have 
such amenities such as remote controls, upgradable codecs and better ergonomics 
geared for Internet audio. I use free software to arrange the stations well on my screen 
(cLaunch on one PPC and HTML in Pocket IE on the other machine).

I still love using my Sony SW100 and TorusTuner loop. The loop, plus synchronous 
detection are able to do miracles with the stubborn RF interference around here! (Hey, 
since my PocketPC is using WIFI, that's using radio as well!)---------
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