Re: [Swprograms] Listening To Internet
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Re: [Swprograms] Listening To Internet

I guess there are advantages to having a laptop attached to my wheelchair.

-----Original Message-----
From: swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of William Martin
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:50 AM
To: dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: wgmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Swprograms] Listening To Internet

Some of you know that I don't have a computer; I get on-line either
at a local library, or, mainly these days, on my next-door neighbors'
system. They had been using dial-up but switched over to a
broadband connection during 2005 and now have a very reliable
cable-modem service. Therefor, in the past few months, I have
been trying to listen to a lot of the programs I formerly only heard
via SW radio via RealAudio on their computer while I do my other
net-access tasks, like reading these discussion groups, gh's DXLDs,
and doing e-mail.

Sound quality is great. But I still far prefer listening to the radio at
home. Why? Because I cannot just LISTEN! I'm constantly trying
to type or read something completely different while trying to
absorb the information coming into my ears from the audio program.
I'm constantly jumping over to the RealAudio or the BBC audio-player
window to back up the playback to catch up on what I missed, because
I suddenly realize that multiple sentences have droned by without my
registering what they said.

When I listen to the radio at home, I have learned that I cannot try
to read at the same time. Either I listen with my eyes closed, or
keep my hands and eyes busy with a handheld solitaire game while
my brain is devoted to the data coming in from my ears. But I cannot
waste the time at the computer just sitting back and listening; I have
to try to multi-task, and it spoils the enjoyment of listening to an
informative program.

How do those of you who listen on-line do it? Do you feel compelled
to sit at the computer while you listen, or have you worked out techniques
(like mini-FM-local-broadcast-transmitters) to listen while you are 
separated from the computer?

I recall that there were several audio-only net devices marketed some
years ago that were supposed to be "net radios" (the Kerbango &
others, right?). These would remove the capacity to do anything
else but listen. Why wouldn't they succeed?

73, Will

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