[Swprograms] CBC and NPR
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[Swprograms] CBC and NPR

A Couple of comments from a Canadian living in the USA.

1] The CBC is not quite what it used to be, but it is still pretty good.  The CBC has had severe budget cuts in the last 10-15 years which have had a major impact on their out-put.  Having said that, they have never found anyone to replace the likes of Peter Gzowski, Barbara Frum, Max Ferguson...the list could go on and on.  In the case of Gzowski, his retirement and death meant that the CBC lost a broadcaster who had the ability to make almost anything interesting!  

IMHO the CBC has sometimes engaged in change for the sake of change which was not needed.  For example, I think that Shelagh Rogers should have been given the entire morning block on CBC Radio 1.  However they seemed to feel that they needed to redesign the whole time period which was unnecessary. All the redesign has done is spread their resources further.  

2} NPR is a good service which I have come to appreciate since moving here a couple of years ago.  But I think their out-put is even less consistent than the CBC's is and there is no way that NPR has the same reach or impact on American Culture that the CBC has in Canada.


Mr. Sandy Finlayson
Philadelphia, PA


-----Original Message-----
From: swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Eric Floden
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:30 PM
To: Shortwave programming discussion
Subject: [Swprograms] Re: CBC Magic?? (Was: OT: FM, Sirius and RCI)

Richard Cuff writes: 

So...what do you Canadians think about the USA's NPR programming? 


I am a new listener to NPR, via KPLU 88.5 Tacoma area, and I like much of 
what I hear.  I would be happier with more public affairs and less music 
(though I love their blues & jazz), and have yet to get used to their 
'non-advert adverts' (for want of a better term). 

I listen more and more and may even support them one day.  I am embarassed 
to say that my current favourite program (as someone who would rather 
bicycle, or bus it, or walk) is Car Talk.  Too funny! 

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