Re: [Swprograms] 15565 WYFR/UK etc.
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Re: [Swprograms] 15565 WYFR/UK etc.

The HFCC listing was the source I used as well.

Interestingly there is no HFCC entry for the 04-06 BBC relay from the IBB's
Delano facility...I presume that is  because all IBB (VOA's parent) listings
were deleted at their guess is that the "BFM" shown on the HFCC
page is for the IBB's Bureau of Frequency Management.

However, I could be wrong.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser" <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "What Dubhghall Does" <whatdubhghalldoes@xxxxxxxxxx>; "Shortwave
programming discussion" <swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Swprograms] 15565 WYFR/UK etc.

> Robyn,
> This still does not mean BBC on 15565 is relayed by WYFR. One simply
> the other, as in many other cases of SW frequency usage. There is probably
> break in carriers between them, or they overlap. IHS Sheila either does
> know what is going on, or is not being specific, resulting in a misleading
> answer. Here are all the current listing for 15565 in the HFCC B-04
> 15565 1830 1930 47,48                          JUL  100 145             14
> 031104 101104 D                  D   DTK DTK 18194
> 15565 1800 1945 27,28                          YFR  100 44
> 311004 270305 D                  USA YFR FCC  3902
> 15565 2100 2245 37,46                          YFR  100 87
> 311004 270305 D                  USA YFR FCC 15044
> 15565 0500 0700 19,29,39NW                     CYP  300 359
> 311004 270305 D                  G   BBC MER 18302
> 15565 0700 1800 28,29S,38E,39,40W              RMP  500 62
> 311004 270305 D                  G   BBC MER 18303
> Note the last entry: RMP means the Rampisham, UK site is in use for BBC
> 1800.
> Regards, Glenn Hauser
> --- What Dubhghall Does <whatdubhghalldoes@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I wrote a letter to info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about the BBC on 15565.  This
> > before I got all of the wonderful posts from members of this list.  I
> > also asking Family Radio for some literature.
> >
> > Here is the reply I got.  Below that is what I asked them.  Thank you
> > all the replies.  Robyn in Michigan
> >
> > "Hello and thank you for writing.  When you hear the BBC it is coming
> > our transmitter site in Okeechobee, Florida.  We use their transmitter
> > in England because of this exchange agreement.  We will send you some
> > material in Chinese.  In His service, Sheila"
> >
> > "I have been listening to the BBC World Service on 15565 for some time
> > At 18:00 UTC (1:00PM Eastern Time) they go off the air and Family Radio
> > comes on in French.  Is the BBC World Service using WYFR transmitters?
> > am I listening to the BBC, broadcasting from the UK, to Eastern Europe?
> > am getting the BBC in extremely well for the target to be Eastern
Europe.  I
> > am wondering if the BBC isn't using your transmitters to broadcast to
> > and Central America?"
> >
> >
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