Re: [Swprograms] 15565 WYFR/UK etc.
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Re: [Swprograms] 15565 WYFR/UK etc.


This still does not mean BBC on 15565 is relayed by WYFR. One simply follows
the other, as in many other cases of SW frequency usage. There is probably a
break in carriers between them, or they overlap. IHS Sheila either does not
know what is going on, or is not being specific, resulting in a misleading
answer. Here are all the current listing for 15565 in the HFCC B-04 schedule:

15565 1830 1930 47,48                          JUL  100 145             14     
031104 101104 D                  D   DTK DTK 18194
15565 1800 1945 27,28                          YFR  100 44              1234567
311004 270305 D                  USA YFR FCC  3902
15565 2100 2245 37,46                          YFR  100 87              1234567
311004 270305 D                  USA YFR FCC 15044
15565 0500 0700 19,29,39NW                     CYP  300 359             1234567
311004 270305 D                  G   BBC MER 18302
15565 0700 1800 28,29S,38E,39,40W              RMP  500 62              1234567
311004 270305 D                  G   BBC MER 18303

Note the last entry: RMP means the Rampisham, UK site is in use for BBC until

Regards, Glenn Hauser

--- What Dubhghall Does <whatdubhghalldoes@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I wrote a letter to info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about the BBC on 15565.  This was 
> before I got all of the wonderful posts from members of this list.  I was 
> also asking Family Radio for some literature.
> Here is the reply I got.  Below that is what I asked them.  Thank you for 
> all the replies.  Robyn in Michigan
> "Hello and thank you for writing.  When you hear the BBC it is coming from 
> our transmitter site in Okeechobee, Florida.  We use their transmitter site 
> in England because of this exchange agreement.  We will send you some 
> material in Chinese.  In His service, Sheila"
> "I have been listening to the BBC World Service on 15565 for some time now.
> At 18:00 UTC (1:00PM Eastern Time) they go off the air and Family Radio
> comes on in French.  Is the BBC World Service using WYFR transmitters?  Or
> am I listening to the BBC, broadcasting from the UK, to Eastern Europe?  I
> am getting the BBC in extremely well for the target to be Eastern Europe.  I
> am wondering if the BBC isn't using your transmitters to broadcast to South
> and Central America?"

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