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[IRCA] Radio Kiribati AM1440

Another addition to my aircheck collection is on the way.. I've ordered 2
CD's from Radio Kiribati AM1440. I have 3 or 4 from them previous and once
or twice a year, I'll email them and order more.

For $10AUD I get a CD mailed to me, postage included.. and the CD is a
studio quality recording of their daily 1 hour english show,  usually
recorded within a week of my email.

Country, especially classic country.. is big over there.

Would I pay for other airchecks under most circumstances? Absolutely not,
but for a station that probably has no budget to just giveaway something
like this and is so rarely heard outside it's "local" broadcast area, this
is very worth it to me.

When I want another recording, all I do is email them, tell them how many
different shows I want and notify them I'm sending the money via Western
Union.. then once it's sent I alert them, they let me know it's been picked
up and when my CD will be recorded.

This method is the quickest, as money is available in minutes.. not the 2
weeks mail would take.. and I've never been cheated or not gotten what I
asked for.

I even have a Broadcasting & Publications Authority of Kiribati polo shirt
around somewhere that I bought about 2 years ago for $20.

When i get this latest aircheck I will make a post with links to all my
airchecks so others can download them.

Paul Walker
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